Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy bees

Andy and I have been busy little birds this summer.  We are two days out from the month of September and I can hardly believe it. What have we been doing all this time to make it go so fast??

I have been doing the whole full time job, Monday to Friday, 40 hours a week thing. It's tiring but totally doable. I am really liking what I do and who I work with. And I've been surprised at just how much my evenings in Peoria fill up. The other interns and I go hiking every Tuesday, which I love. It seems like we've been getting together one other time each week for random get togethers, too. Plus I usually have errands to do or a friend to go to dinner with.. it all adds up. There really hasn't been much boredom!

Not only are the weekdays busy, but the weekends seem to be just as chaotic. We've had several family get togethers, bridal/baby showers, trips moving friends (and myself), and just a whole bunch of fun things on the calendar. However, the not so fun part is having no time to lie by the pool. But I guess I'd rather be busy and exhausted than bored and lazy.

The worst part of this whole "not having time" thing is the stress that it leads me to feel about wedding planning. All of a sudden I have been feeling as though I need to get things done. We've had the reception and church booked for almost a year, I bought my wedding dress last month, and the photographers have been a go for a while, too. But in the last few weeks I've really been in gear.  Most importantly, we finalized our list and sent out save the dates! The guest list was by far the most stressful part and I hope nothing tops it, but we have gotten a lot of compliments on our cards and that makes it all worth it :) Also, I have contacted the chair cover people and am waiting for more info from them. Plus I think we have narrowed down a bridesmaids dress! If I don't get those two things settled in the next 6 weeks, I know I will be a nut case. Also, we are trying to set aside a day to register for gifts, so that will be one more thing. After that the next thing on our to-do list will be narrowing down a DJ/band. The last 6 months of our engagement better be breezy after this part!

As far as house updates, we now have insulation sprayed. Supposedly the dry wall guys are coming at some point. Nobody communicates anything to me properly and it's annoying. If I had their personal phone numbers I would be harassing them every day but I guess there is no reason for us to be in that big of a hurry. Soon we will need to start selecting floors, cabinets, etc. so that will be a whole 'nother chapter in my book that is a to-do list. It's all wonderful stuff going on, but mixed together is quite a lot.

I am so ready for June to be here so we can enjoy all that we are working toward.