Saturday, February 20, 2016

Elliott: Ten Months Old

We have such a big girl. Elliott still loves to stand and can crawl wherever she wants at the speed of light. I think she will be taking her first steps sometime this month thanks to Andy basically forcing her (he is so into her physical milestones and things like handedness). She is babbling nonstop and is overall much more social thanks to the independence that moving gives her. When meeting new people, she is still guarded and really examines them, though. Elliott is happy all the time unless she gets tired.

As far as sleep goes, naps are either awesome or not happening. I aim for one morning and one afternoon nap. If she does sleep, it's usually for 1-2 hours.  Teething messes us up and makes it tricky to get Elliott to sleep sometimes (the fighting is still way better than what is was when she was younger). She is also moving toward not wanting to be rocked to sleep, which is wonderful. We have yet to master getting her to fall sleep on her own while in her crib, but I'm hoping we are close, otherwise she doesn't know how to fall asleep! When Elliott learned how to sit up/stand up that really pushed us back in that department, she would wear herself out eventually when all she could do was lie there.

Night times are pretty great. She sleeps a 12-13 hour span with maybe two very brief wake ups (I'm usually awake for about 1 minute, no lie). However, she is still in our bed. I don't mind sleeping with her one bit other than the early bedtimes it forces upon me. Even though I have always started bedtime in her room and move her when she just won't have it anymore, she is becoming increasingly more resistant. There was a time when I could get 20 minute spurts of her in her crib, but now she won't even accept being in there for one second after nightfall (she has ALWAYS napped in her crib so I don't know why she fights so much at night). And like I said, she doesn't want to be rocked, so I pretty much just take her to our room right away. She tosses and turns in our bed but can fall asleep on her own with me next to her. It's actually really adorable to watch her switch positions and lie on me. I can't blame her for being more comfy in our bed, so we are working on making her crib a little more plush (yeah, I know kids shouldn't sleep with pillows, blah blah). I keep saying I'm just going to transfer her to her crib while asleep but I'm too chicken. Elliott is incredibly smart, knows what she wants, and doesn't take no for an answer. She better get Atleast a 30 on her ACTs...

Elliott eats whatever we eat. Frequent foods are avocado, mango, grapefruit, and pears. She is also becoming a big fan of cheese sticks and yogurt. Meat and bread she just does okay with. She has a more exotic diet than most adults, I feel (ahem, her father). Baby girl does hoard quite a bit of food (and paper and floor crumbs unfortunately) in her chipmunk cheeks.. Nursing is still happening about 5 times over 24 hours. Sippy cups are being introduced at most meals but I have to tilt it for her and it has to drop into her mouth on its own..

Elliott's fifth and sixth teeth just poked through. Even though it feels like forever since we brought her home from the hospital, I can't believe we aren't far from having a toddler. And yes, her birthday party is already planned.

We are looking forward to nicer weather and a trip to Florida. Pray for us that miss thing does well on the flights and we don't have SW airlines hating us...