Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Leo: 1 Month Old

Baby boy turned one month old on September 1 (this will make it very easy to remember to take photos). He continues to be an easy baby for us.

Baby still loves to eat. I'd say we average 3 hour stretches now since sometimes he goes more or less. I still have to stop to burp him 4 or 5 times because of my fast flow. He still has gurgly burps, but this is tame compared to what it would be otherwise. If he has a choking attack it's my fault for getting distracted and letting him go too long. Thankfully I learned it all with his sister's reflux, so I can control it and he's still a happy dude. 

Kiddo does not sleep nearly as much as his sister did during the day. He is almost always awake for hours every morning, because there is just too much going on. He is also currently in a phase of wanting to be held while sleeping which also contributes to that (although this may not be the case if his sister didn't constantly wake him on purpose). Sleep happens in his bouncer or rock n play otherwise. He sleeps the best in the evenings, so I typically get a good block of time to lounge or get things done (okay, mostly lounge). One night he slept from 6:30-midnight which was nuts to me. He wakes again usually around 11ish and is moved to our bedroom. It's a mixed bag of what his nightly schedule is but most often he wakes between 2-3 hours from then on.

He usually sleeps in our bed for one or two stretches over night. Since it looks like we have another reflux baby on our hands, I burp him and hold him upright for a while before laying him down. Even in his rock n play reclined he tends to wake up shortly after needing to burp or spit up otherwise. I often fall asleep with him upright on my chest before I can put him back in there, so I guess cosleeping it is. I know I sleep better when he is in his own bed, though. I don't feel too slee deprived though definitely get less than before and wish that I liked coffee. Even though I'm wide awake I always make Andy get up to change his diaper once. 

Because I insist on burping him (his sister was a terrible burper and never let me do it), he does not nurse to sleep. During the day there is usually a good break between feedings and naps actually. He falls asleep the easiest if you swaddle and walk around with him. I have held him while making dinner and he's fallen asleep without me trying. Leo will occasionally take a paci. I rarely give him one unless he's really behind on sleep, but Andy uses it as his first defense always. This is ironic because he is the one to complain about Elliott still using a pacifier. Leo will fall asleep on his own in the bouncer occasionally (basically if he whines a bit but I am too busy to attend to him). He doesn't do this in the rock n play.

Leo loves to lie flat on his back, but he doesn't get a ton of time due to big sister's abuse. The bassinest has actually been really handy because I can let him kick in there while he's protected from her rough hands. He also loves to stare out the window right above it. I like that I can put him in there for 20 minutes and get things done or shower. 

I don't know his exact weight but I'm certain he is at least 11 lb. Here is his weight history so far. He also gained 2 inches since birth during that time!
Birth - 9 lb
3 days - 8 lb 3 oz (hospital discharge)
1 week - 8 lb 7 oz
2 week - 9 lb 9.9 oz
3 week - 10 lb 9.9 oz

Size-wise the kid fits just right into 3 month clothes but honestly 6 month clothes are easier to change him in. Leo also produces way more laundry than Elliott ever did. I would leave her in the same sleeper for like 24 hours sometimes (#gross) and he goes through like 3 outfits a day. It's a good thing laundry is easily my favorite household chore. He likes bath time which he gets every 2/3 days like his sister. 

The transition to two kids has been really easy, actually. I'm much more productive I think. I've learned to get out of bed before the kids and this sets up my day much better. Even if I just do a quick pass of the house cleaning, move a load of laundry, or take a shower. Getting out of the house is pretty vital at this point for Elliott's sanity so now that Elliott is old enough we are doing more. Scheduling some sort of activity most days if the week is the goal. I like getting out too mostly because that's less time to dirty the house ;)

Elliott is still all about him. She wants to hold, kiss, hug him at all times. She is not gentle. She is not quiet. This is really my only fear about him, that she'll hurt him. He is amazingly calm when she is rough somehow. I guess he was used to her jumping on my pregnant belly. 

I'm still sore, but can function just fine. If I do activity, it can be pretty painful but I have a high pain tolerance so whatever. I'd love to take the kids on walks every day but maybe after my 6 week follow up! Hoping to not need more surgery.