Sunday, April 1, 2012

Porch Inspiration

I have always dreamed of having a big southern porch. I imagine myself sitting on a porch swing or rocking chair drinking sweet tea in the summers and watching the sun set. Idyllic? I'd say so.

On our house, we have a long front porch that runs the length of the house. We've been focusing on selecting columns and railings this week, so I thought I would post about my inspiration and what I'm hoping it will come out as.

Here are some photos I've collected on Pinterest over the last few months..

Our house actually should look pretty similar to the middle photo - long porch with the front door in the middle. We think we've settled on a style for the columns and railings. Here is the sample photo from the seller:

I promise this weekend I will steal someone's camera and take pictures of all of the rooms. This week I should have oodles of free time so I expect to get a few inspiration posts done!

The Wait Is Over!

Today was the day that I've been waiting for for the past four years - Match Day, people! I'm honestly surprised at how calm I was up until today. Like I've said before, I was in total denial. Even today Andy and I went to the mall and for a long walk around campus, all the while my nerves were at bay. I wasn't even thinking about 6pm most of the time.  If you know me at all, you will know how foreign a lack of anxiety is for me.

Anywho, I called my friend around 4:45 to talk about school stuff, and got completely wigged out. Andy and I were on our way to dinner (Monical's Pizza, of course) and it was like I got hit in the face with a nervous stick. I got all shaky and couldn't sit still while we ate. I couldn't get home soon enough.

We got home with time to spare, I logged on to the site and waited it out. 6pm came, I hit refresh, and... nothing. The site went totally berzerk due to the heavy traffic, and I was certain this was just a bad omen. Andy and I were compulsively clicking our computers trying to get it to load. It took fifteen minutes, but I finally got in.

I got matched to OSF St. Francis! It was my top choice all along and I was pretty much certain that I wouldn't get it. It's highly competitive due to its stipend and I thought I wouldn't make the cut. One girl doesn't get everything she's ever wished for right? I am so very blessed. I can't believe the process is over, and I just couldn't be more thrilled.

If I get placed in my preferred class, I will be starting the internship on June 11. Have I mentioned that I will be finishing the program the day before my wedding next year? It's insane but I'm trying not to think about that - it's what vacation days are for right?

What a busy year it is going to be! I am the luckiest girl ever.