Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Wait Is Over!

Today was the day that I've been waiting for for the past four years - Match Day, people! I'm honestly surprised at how calm I was up until today. Like I've said before, I was in total denial. Even today Andy and I went to the mall and for a long walk around campus, all the while my nerves were at bay. I wasn't even thinking about 6pm most of the time.  If you know me at all, you will know how foreign a lack of anxiety is for me.

Anywho, I called my friend around 4:45 to talk about school stuff, and got completely wigged out. Andy and I were on our way to dinner (Monical's Pizza, of course) and it was like I got hit in the face with a nervous stick. I got all shaky and couldn't sit still while we ate. I couldn't get home soon enough.

We got home with time to spare, I logged on to the site and waited it out. 6pm came, I hit refresh, and... nothing. The site went totally berzerk due to the heavy traffic, and I was certain this was just a bad omen. Andy and I were compulsively clicking our computers trying to get it to load. It took fifteen minutes, but I finally got in.

I got matched to OSF St. Francis! It was my top choice all along and I was pretty much certain that I wouldn't get it. It's highly competitive due to its stipend and I thought I wouldn't make the cut. One girl doesn't get everything she's ever wished for right? I am so very blessed. I can't believe the process is over, and I just couldn't be more thrilled.

If I get placed in my preferred class, I will be starting the internship on June 11. Have I mentioned that I will be finishing the program the day before my wedding next year? It's insane but I'm trying not to think about that - it's what vacation days are for right?

What a busy year it is going to be! I am the luckiest girl ever.

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