Saturday, January 31, 2015

24-28 Weeks

We are officially in the third trimester - how weird is that? My belly is definitely rounding out, but I'm not to the super uncomfortable stage yet. I get aches and pains and need to stay on top of stretching, but I have no reason to complain as I pretty much feel normal. Other than doing squats and yoga-type stuff, I'm not really doing any intense exercise. Hopefully that won't come to bite me in the butt come labor.

The babe is really starting to grow and move in there (at this point, baby should be about 2.5 lb). At most points in the day, I can feel movement if I just take a moment to pay attention. Also, movement is sometimes shift-like rather than just punches or kicks. There are times when you can really see my whole belly swerve.

It seems I may have hit a regression in the sleep department. I'm often awake from 4-6 am hours again and use this time to make lists in my head about all the things I need to do. It seems to be better if I get to bed at an earlier time and give myself plenty of time to wind down.

We have officially been keeping the gender a secret for 8 weeks. It has been even easier than I anticipated. I worry sometimes about pronouns, but neither of us has slipped on using he or she. We don't really refer to the kid by name at this point (even though we've had one all along) so it's not difficult to keep that from slipping either. Honestly, if I didn't care about a gender specific nursery, I would just wait until the birth for everyone to know, but I just can't wait that long to set it up. Hopefully our efforts pay off, but most people still don't get it. I'm worried that we won't get enough of the basics as it is (place for baby to sleep > tractor and pink paraphernalia). I'm not a very fun pregnant person to shop for. Sorry. Actually I'm not sorry.

I have decided I've hit the nesting stage full force, just in the last week. When it comes to baby things I want to get it all done immediately - the shopping, cleaning, and organizing. We did finally get new furniture for our bedroom, so the nursery is halfway set up. Our glider is also in, so we just have to go pick it up. I will be so ecstatic after the shower when I can put everything up and away (both the gifts and the stuff I've already purchased that I still have to hide). I would bet money that everything will be in place by the end of the day on Feb 15. I also really want my house deep cleaned, and have actually been fairly motivated to do it. I spent a good chunk of time completely overhauling our pantry (I will post eventually) and that was the sure fire sign that my butt is getting in gear.

One of the downsides to the nesting is that I want to buy things. It's like my organizing hobby has accelerated by a hundred. Etsy, Container Store, iKea, BBB... oh the stores I need to stay away from. I told myself that I wouldn't buy any baby clothing until after our shower, and I have stayed true to that (except for one onesie from Disney, of course). Otherwise, I'd say I'm ordering something baby related about every week. In reality I'm still doing minimal shopping, I'm just typically not a buyer so it's kind of weird to me.

               24 Weeks                                                     28 Weeks

**I'm actually 29 weeks, but wrote this last week before I got around to uploading the photos. We should have more updates coming your way soon - nursery, pantry, more Disney reports, and even our master bedroom :)

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