Sunday, October 11, 2015

Elliott: Six Months Old

Apparently we have a half year old. I'm actually pretty psyched because I feel like we are coming up on a pretty fun phase. But at the same time I still think of Elliott as a forever baby and I should probably kick some of the baby habits I've instilled in her.. Oops!

We have hit our first bout of sickness. I think it started out as fall allergies and dustiness, but morphed into a cold. After a few nights of wheezing with some gross coughs, we went to the doctor. I swore I wasn't going to be one of those parents that runs to the doctor but I feel like with her well visits we are always there! He said it was nothing serious but to call back if it wasn't gone in a few more days. 

Girlfriend is pretty good at sitting up. She does fine when on her own but tumbles after a minute or so. She can also maneuver a little bit if she wants to move. Please don't start crawling yet!

After the horrendous month of sleeping that was last month, this month is so much better. I've learned that Elliott is just a very easily stimulated child who requires a lot of winding down time before sleep. I've learned to take my time with each nap and we spend a good 20 minutes in her room prior to her actually sleeping. Most of the time she eats shortly before needing to sleep so I use that as a cue to start the process. She's been a distracted eater lately so I nurse her in her bedroom. Then after some burps and cuddles, I set her in her crib to wind down. (If we have time to kill after she eats, we just read books or do things in her bedroom). She squeaks and plays in her crib while I do chores or scroll Facebook (she has yet to fall asleep on her own though). This has been a big saving grace, and she usually sleeps after a minute of rocking. She still sleeps with a fan but music is a last resort add in. I've also switched from the swaddles to ZipadeeZips and think they are a perfect fit for what we need. I could order another one. I put her in her crib at 'bedtime' and go to bed with her at her first or second wake up. Unfortunately I'm lucky if I get an hour out of her though. She catnaps in the evening and just sleeps so much better in our bed. We are at about 3 wake ups over a 11-12 hour period, but That's honestly a guess. I'm trying to cut out one middle of the night feeding to help my case, most of the time she eats for only a minute or two anyway. She seems to be sleeping more deeply but that may just be wishful thinking. She still is a short napper, sleeping anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, although she doesn't stay awake very long before getting tired (2 hours-ish).

Only minor changes in the eating category. She eats about every 3 hours, though can go 4. She got her first dose of rice cereal at 5.5 months and did pretty well. It was basically still completely breast milk. I offered once with formula and she definitely noticed a difference because she wouldn't even let the spoon near her mouth (she wasn't in a bad mood). She has gotten only a few servings so far but is eager to eat when it's offered. I'm honestly just straight up too lazy to do it since I have to pump for it. I'll start doing purees now (a new food every 3 days or so) until I add in table foods. I know I need to start pushing bottles again because I'll be away so much for cheerleading. I'm pretty terrified of how it will go and regretting coaching all together but keep telling myself it will be good for all of us.

Andy is done with harvest but has a bit of ground to work still. I'm ready to have him around again, and am hoping Elliott can warm back up to him. I often go 3 days without leaving the house/going to town and am surprisingly sane given how few people I see (no one). It would also be nice to just have the option to do anything without her with me since she still goes bonkers when I leave, even with Andy. We haven't been on a date or done anything 'for fun' without her since I was pregnant. People don't understand this but it is much easier said than done. I'm working on it. She didn't cry the day I left her with mom and Landry so I'm thinking I just need to glue her to him if I'm gone :) 

A few fun quirks: she is really into sticking out her tongue, smacking her lips, and blowing raspberries. Elliott is also fascinated watching me brush my teeth. I got a jumparoo and she super loves it! She is ticklish and has real giggle fits which are fun. She likes taking her clothes off and is still a water girl. I really feel like she's coming out of the colicky phase and just overall has a much happier disposition. Hopefully I'm right!

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