Friday, December 18, 2015

Elliott: 8 Months Old

The biggest news this month is our little miss is officially mobile. Although Elliott doesn't officially crawl, girl definitely gets around. She can wiggle, roll, and reach from one end of the room to another. She also gets up on all fours and is seconds away from taking off on her knees. She does love to stand and does well walking with assistance so once she crawls I doubt walking will be far behind. I'm not pushing her by any means!

We have also been putting a bit more effort on the eating front. Since cheerleading started, Andy and I have rarely cooked a real meal at home and sat at the table to eat it. It's been pizza and PB sandwiches and whatever we have. Although most days she did get lunch, I usually am in a rush when I get home at night and with the craziness of bedtime, meals don't get cooked and Elliott just didn't get fed (other than nursing obviously). We've been hitting our groove the past few weeks though thanks to Andy doing some cooking, so we can all eat together and I can actually follow through with baby led weaning (I couldn't give her my food if I was never eating!). I only spent $13 on purees when she turned six months and we still haven't used it all... Oops. Oh well! She is way more interested in table foods. So far she has had chunks of carrots, pears, sweet potato, raspberries, and avocado. 

Just when I think we are nearing the sleeping-through-the-night milestone, she throws me for a loop. If there is one thing about parenthood I wish I could control, sleep would be it. She is cranky when she's tired and her fighting it is most exhausting. I don't know if it's more teething, or me being gone a lot more, but girlfriend went on a solid sleep strike. After a rough week of crying to fight sleep, I was determined to train little miss and got on the controlled crying bandwagon. Three or four nights of awful later, I gave up. She screamed bloody murder and even vomitted all over her bed. I draw the line at puke. She never fell asleep on her own once. She then still went a solid ten days not sleeping unless I held her, I think I really pissed her off. Even at night in bed I would pretty much have to hold her lying down. Bedtime was a war zone until I just accepted this is what she needed, especially since she got so overtired. I've been going to bed with her early every night and bypassing the 15 minute intervals of crib sleeping. She has just recently started weaning from needing to be held again.  I'd also really like my evenings back if she could just sleep straight from 7-10!  Yep, she is still in our bed. Sleeping through the night is priority over sleeping in her crib. At this point, I can't imagine her not sleeping with us but she needs to be out before she turns one. She is still probably waking three times a night.  It doesn't help that our schedule is so mismatched but it's hard to find a balance of sticking to a schedule and also having a little flexibility to have a life. It's hard to do that when bedtime is 6:30. I'm also pushing for her to go to 2 naps a day but since she still isn't a long napper, that 3rd cat nap is still sometimes necessary. 

Some fun milestones, she gets more giggly by the day. She also loves music, especially the abc song. She likes me to sing her to sleep. Elliott is fascinated with sticking out her tongue too. She babbles a good amount and still loves blowing raspberries. Elliott has her bottom two middle teeth completely. I think we are starting to see two upper teeth but she rarely lets me get a good look in there to see.

Andy and I are both looking forward to celebrating Christmas with her here this year. Being parents has already added to the excitement of the season and she doesn't even know what's going on. I can only imagine it will get more fun with each passing year!

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