Sunday, January 24, 2016

Elliott: Nine Months Old

I know I say this every month, but our girl gets to be more and more fun each day! She is pretty content and happy all day and is starting to be okay with others holding her. Although it totally depends on the day, her mood, and where we are, she is for sure making progress. This is the age most kids get stranger anxiety, but my kid has had it since birth so I don't think we have anywhere to go but up! I only left her with my MIL for 2 hours, but other than that she's been with Andy or me this month. However she goes where we go most of the time so that social aspect is good for her. She still enjoys going to the store as well as my practices and basketball games.

Elliott is crawling all over the place, though it is more of a gorilla crawl than a traditional one. She super heart loves the independence it gives her and is content roaming all rooms of the house. She can pull herself up to stand and walks with some assistance. Andy also loves to 'run' with her, which makes her giggle like crazy. Track star in the making, I guess. 

I try to feed her two meals of solid foods each day with two or three components to each meal. Elliott is starting to really love eating and trying everything when before she was pretty indifferent. Avocados, bananas, bread, pears, and deli turkey are a few of our biggest repeats. We just need to work on proteins. Otherwise we are still going strong nursing with no end in sight. She eats about every 4 hours now but if I'm gone, she seems to do fine just going without. He fails at feeding her food, though... Poor kid. I got tired buying new sippies so I haven't been trying them at all this month. Maybe soon we will get there.

Currently, we are in a good patch in the sleep department. It was pretty debilitating for a while, but we are back to just one or two brief wake ups at night, the kind when I can roll over for a quick feed and we both are back to sleep immediately. I will take that! She is still in our bed and I need to stop pushing the crib. It makes things worse when I force it and she sleeps much better when I just put her in our bed from the start. My foot is in my mouth for all those times I ever knocked bed sharing...

Naps have also improved. I'm back to putting her in her crib to wind down a bit before rocking her. She is still crying much more than she originally did with this method, but at least it's mostly just whining. She hasn't been fighting me as much this week and we've even had a few days with TWO, TWO HOUR NAPS! That has never happened in the history of her life and has to be part of why she's been much more happy go lucky. 

If parenthood has taught me anything, it is the importance of going with the flow. I'm not sure if Elliott even knows that she's the boss of the house, but I love her feistiness and determination. I wonder how next month will go...

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