Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Giving Cabinets New Life

As I've mentioned before, we tore down a house before starting our build. Conveniently, the old house had amazing oak cabinets that were in pretty perfect condition. They weren't really my style, but I definitely saw their potential and my Pinterest loving self was chomping at the bit to get going on a project. We thought they would be perfect for the laundry room, but since we don't have any windows in that space I wanted to lighten them up with a fresh, light color. And the hardware was outdated. So, Andy took this on as his first real husband duty!

We decided on the pieces we wanted for the space, and Andy got going on heavy duty sanding. I think later on we decided he didn't have to put so much time and effort into that but it was all worth it in my opinion:)

I can't find a picture of the before cabinets, but here are the pieces after some sanding.

I wish I had a before picture to show you the great condition they were in.  These pictures do not really do them justice, but you get the idea of what a big to-do this was.  We got to try out a new attachment paint sprayer. A few coats and some trial and error got us some purty lookin' cabinets!

And now, the beautiful after photos...

We've given them a whole new life! I'm thrilled with the fresh, creamy color and the pulls are perfect. Won't the open cabinet be PERFECT for laundry baskets?!?! I'm pumped for all the organizational possibilities. I am so thankful for Andy as this project took him a few months. I think he is now a little turned off of DIYing, but I think after some time he will be open to giving it another whirl:) I can't wait to install these bad boys and just move in already!

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