Wednesday, September 26, 2012

More of the same

There really is not a whole lot of updates here, just more of the same. So busy! I have been freaking out because of our looooong list of things to get done. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do about it because it's harvest season, and Andy is pretty much unavailable. We still need to register and do TONS of shopping for house items, but keep waiting for a rainy day. So, me being me, I've been doing hours of research on registry items, flooring, cabinets, paint colors, etc. It needs to stop. Maybe next month...

On a positive note, my mom confirmed that my venues were booked for the right days (I booked them almost a year ago, but my anxiety causes me to think of worst case scenarios). Also, after a few days of harried phone calls, the chair covers have been booked :) I am waiting to hear back from a DJ/lighting vendor and we have booked a day to go bridesmaid dress shopping! Hallelujah, I think we're getting close.

I know I say this every month, but is it seriously almost October? This is my last week on the hospital floors, and for the next three weeks I'll be covering staff and functioning like a full-fledge dietitian. At this point, I am so ready... and surprisingly, not nervous. We'll see how I feel come Monday. I am exciting to bust out these next three weeks and jump into the Community rotation. Although I really like clinical work, I am ready for a change up! I can't believe it's almost here and we will meet our new intern class next week!!

By the end of October, I better have a lot of news or else I will really be one frantic, psycho mess (as if I'm not already or anything). Here's hoping!

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