Sunday, October 21, 2012


We have gotten a lot done lately! But we still have so much more to do..

On the wedding front, we have our registry done! Well, I shouldn't say done but pretty well started. We're waiting till the house is done to get more of the fun design things on the list. Everybody says it's so fun, but it was exhausting. I know I'm a neurotic mess so I made it more difficult than most people do, but I like to research things before I purchase them. And since we are starting from scratch on everything, I had quite a bit of researching to do. Also, we've nailed down a bridesmaid dress. Getting closer on the entertainment side of things, too. I have a style for the invitations picked out, I just have to have them made. And we have the whole honeymoon thing to do.. So. Much. Planning.

As far as the house goes, we have some dry wall hung - not much. Baseboards, trim, and doors have been finalized. Yesterday, we nailed down paint colors for pretty much every room, so I'm excited to get that going! We have a style of kitchen cabinets selected, and are hoping to have the designer get going on the specific layout. We sorted through a bunch of cabinet add-ons for organization and it got me pretty darn antsy. The organizing enthusiast in me is just itching for some projects and ready to put things away.  I. Am. So. Pumped.

In two months, it should be a completely different house! At least I hope it will be.

On another note, Friday was my last day of clinical rotations at work. This coming week will be my orientation into community work, which will last ten weeks. I'm guessing ten weeks will fly by compared to the twenty of clinicals! I'm enjoying it, but also very thankful that time has flown by. We have so much to look forward to :)

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