Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Remaining Appointments

38 Weeks - Monday, April 6 at 2:45 pm

Weight up 27 lb total. BP around the norm 100/60. Baby's heartbeat 140 BPM. That's about it.

39 Weeks - Monday, April 13 at 2:45 pm

Weight up 28 lb total. BP a little higher than usual at 110/70. Baby's heartbeat 140 BPM. Dr. Emm said my belly is growing well. I let her check me this week. Cervix is soft and she thought I may be dilated to a 1, but she couldn't really tell as the kid's head is still in the way so we're going with 0. She has no concerns. She asks if I can wait another week to discuss any plan. As ready as I am to no longer be pregnant, I know it's for the best to keep waiting. She still thinks I'll be fine delivering naturally without a section and confirmed that there should be no reason that she isn't the one to deliver me. Whew. I still leave feeling a bit defeated as I feel like I have been pregnant for so long and am frustrated by no progress.

40 Weeks - Monday, April 20 at 2:30 pm

Weight up 29 lb total. BP still a bit higher than my usual at 114/68 (probably just from anxiety). Dr. Emm reviewed the usual questions. Contractions seem to be picking up a bit. Baby's heartbeat is 142 BPM, so holding steady there. I'm dilated to 1 and 80-90% effaced (thank you, Jesus!!). This lifts my spirits because a little progress is better than no progress. She is really on board with letting me go on my own, but asks if we want to go ahead schedule an induction for next week. Hopefully we won't need it, but it will be so nice to have an end date in sight. She says we can even do this week if we are really antsy, since next Monday I will already be 41w2d. We opt to schedule for midnight on Sunday/Monday and are crossing our fingers that I go on my own beforehand. Either way this is my last prenatal appointment! And I'm super thankful that it rained and Andy could come with me, so I didn't have to repeat the whole appointment to him. Overall, I'm just feeling much more positive.

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