Monday, April 27, 2015

Elliott is 1 week old!

We have hit the one week mark and I can't tell if it's been speedy or slow (leaning more towards the speedy side). We still have a happy, healthy baby!

Elliott is a pretty textbook kid, it seems. She follows a pretty straight forward sleep, eat, change diaper pattern which mom and dad appreciate. She hasn't had any real tantrums just yet (knock on wood) and we can usually tell what she wants pretty instinctively. When she is awake, she has deep blue eyes. She has started to make cute grins, also. She does not like to be cold. She is typically happy with a sleeper and blanket on. She doesn't like her diaper to be dirty and let's us know when it needs to be changed most of the time. (I'm happy about this because we aren't all over checking her pants every hour). She also seems to enjoy car rides and typically stays alert during them. She has gotten a few sponge baths at home already and does okay as long as she stays warm under a towel for most of it. 

She is doing pretty well sleeping at night, although she wakes very often and typically goes less than 2 hours between feeds. We have been using A&A blankets to swaddle, and may try out the sleep sack at some point. The first few nights we were still finding our rhythm and mom was a little too anxious on night watch. We started co-sleeping, but that makes Andy really anxious because he feels like he's going to roll over on her. 

On Sunday night (night 5), she was able to sleep in her bassinet all night - apart from feedings obviously, which I move her to our bed for. We have a Bassinest which I think will be a good match. Elliott is eye level with me in bed and I can easily put my hand on her to soothe. It has a vibrate setting which she enjoys, along with several other tricks that we don't use at this point. Fingers crossed this habit stays. It seems to be most dependent on how good of feedings she has.

Feedings are going well, too. I'm not sure if I had expectations but I'm pretty proud of what we have going. My supply has been great, my milk came in on Friday night (72 hours after delivery). Her latch has been seemed good from the beginning. I am having a lot of sensitivity still, and sometimes things downright hurt, but keeping things medicated helps a lot. I've had a few problems with engorgement at night, so we need to start a routine of pumping morning and night so I don't get too dependent on one side. Diaper changes are picking up each day, which is a great sign.

I will say I really love not having to prep bottles, and at this point washing dishes is not happening. I have no idea how bottle feeding would have worked. It's nice I really don't have to move during the night to take care of her.

Elliott really loves the mamaroo and we are hoping it stays that way. She spends a lot of her time in it when we are home during the day. It's perfect for napping. It's also great that I can leave her be for an hour or two and get a few things done. Right now she likes the car ride and tree swing settings on low.

We had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Murphy on Friday (3 days old). She weighed 6 lb 10.8 oz and was 19 inches long supposedly. She was 7 lb 0.3 oz when we left the hospital.

We returned to the doctor for a weight check in Tuesday, her 1 week birthday. She weighed 7 lb 0.8 oz and was 19.5 in long (go figure).

We have had a good stream of visitors since her birth. My parents, Saxtons, MIL, and BIL Eric all visited in the hospital. Andy's parents came Thursday night (our first night home). My sisters visited Friday night. Saturday she met several of my aunts and great aunts at a bridal shower, and met her aunt/uncle/cousins on the Bauman side that evening. Kayla came on Sunday, Andy's grandmas came Monday and Tuesday.

Mom is doing well, too. Despite being very, very sore the first few days I can now say I am getting closer to normal. Sunday was a real turning point. I'm getting to the stage of not having to do too much extra to take care of myself, and I have been able to do some activity. Since Andy has been working the past few days, it's nice to be physically able to catch up on some laundry and dishes while he is away. And generally being able to sit on my butt again is nice.

Dad has been a great helper! He lets me take the lead, but is good about offering help. He might even be better than me with putting on diapers. He is a saint.

We are so blessed with this little babe!

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