Friday, November 11, 2016

Elliott: 18 Months Old

Better late than never writing this post.

On the food front, Elliott still enjoys a good variety of foods. Yogurt and cheese are favorites, and she can get to that drawer on her own if the fridge is open. She Loves fruit and is fascinated with bananas. She pretty much likes everything, though does have a major sweet tooth. She knows what a package of Oreos means... 

Girlfriend had 16 teeth in around 13 months of age (read: she is a mutant). Tylenol was our friend for a while at bedtime because of it. There was a time she slept through the night but she definitely regressed. We just made our first trip to the pediatrics dentist and all is well! Then she got Strep throat in July. She had been super cranky and boycotting sleep, not to mention not eating well. I took her to the doctor because one night she was awake straight until 5am!! We finished 10 days of antibiotics and thought it was over. Nope. A few days after finishing she was acting the same way. Another positive test and we tried another med. She got another virus of some sort in October that left her with a low fever and some slight puking. She was a total crabby pants for a good week. We have now begun another cold:(

One major development has been sleep! In the beginning of August, she finally transitioned to her crib at night. We didn't really do anything different than normal so it's like she just decided to stay asleep in there. Although she occasionally wakes up at night if she's hungry or sick, she mostly sleeps a good 12 hours or more. Bedtime is at 7 but she takes a while to fall asleep and will sleep till 8 am or so. It is so wonderful to have nights back!! Nap length is really sporadic. Sometimes they're 3 hours or 1 hour or not at all.

We are still nursing but are almost phased out. She doesn't have to nurse before naps or bed and the timing of our sessions is completely sporadic. I know she pulls for me when she's genuinely hungry (mostly right when I get her from bed in the morning). It comes out to be once a day or so. She doesn't drink a ton otherwise so I'm fine with this arrangement.

Personality wise, Elliott is a blast. As long as she isn't sick, she's usually pretty happy. She does get stir crazy if we have a few slow days at home and wants to be outside at all times. We don't have much to do outside at our house but she is fine just running around the property exploring. We've started in on more of a toy phase too. We still have fewer toys than most but our collection will surely grow at Christmas. I am sure to not go overboard and know we still have many fewer toys than the typical American family (and I am a sahm)! Hopefully we have a playroom space in the basement in the near future.

Elliott loves other kids and seems to interact well. If other kids are at the park she usually isn't shy. We took a Kindermusik class and she was not into it, but I don't think she was feeling well then. We've started tumbling and she is absolutely in love. It's only a 30 minute class and she is always sad to go. Her cousins are her favorite and if I tell her we are going to see them, she instantly perks up and runs to the door. She calls Holland Sissy and has a good attempt at Barrett. She says Jace super clear. We are working on Luke and Landry!

She can repeat most words if you ask her. A few recent ones have been "Safe" and "Jesus" :) I can't even list all the words that she says, there are too many. She says Thank You in the correct context without prompting which as parents we are really proud of. She can name several body parts as well, belly, nose, eyes, and toes are favorites. She also loves to mimic burping, coughing, etc which is pretty adorable. I've taken her to cheer practice with me a few times already and she copies the girls as they stretch 😍

At the beginning of harvest she was real obsessed with combines. Everything was a combine and she loved a daily ride in the tractor with dad. Her current obsession is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She's always had a love for Minnie but it's becoming a problem and I have to limit her to like 2 episodes a day. Anytime she sees a remote she grabs it and asks for MiMi. Of course we had to be Minnie for Halloween! 

Even though we've had a few rough patches, overall she is so much fun.

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