Saturday, March 18, 2017

Parenthood: Round 2

Yep, we are going to do all this again. I'm pregnant.

I sort of had a hunch and asked Andy to pick up a test for me. He apparently doesn't know the difference between a pregnancy test and an ovulation kit so that delayed that for a day :) Officially tested on Monday, November 21 and I just said "shiiiitttttt" when I saw the result. Taking a pregnancy test at home by myself (except having a toddler two feet away staring at me) was a little different than before :) After sort of deciding we would add another to our brood, it happened immediately. Kids, it really only does take one time! I wouldn't have it any other way, though!

Since I took progesterone with my last pregnancy, I called my doc to order a blood test. It was already the day before Thanksgiving. I normally avoid going to St. James like the plague because I know too many people but I was lazy and my SIL who works the desk was gone that week. I figured why not? I was still registered by a basically-family member but oh well! I hope HIPAA holds up. I went back on Friday and the place was dead. Still a little low on the progesterone so we are going ahead with supplements this time.

Since I'm writing this at 11 weeks 2 days, I can say the second time around is way different. I am lazy and way less obsessed about it. I am terrible about taking my supplements as needed and actually stopped at like 10.5 weeks (rather than 12). Overall things are just more lax.

Otherwise, things are comparable. I didn't ever get ill, but this time around I have gagged way more than before (every morning while emptying Elliott's old milk cups..).  The past few days have been much better. I was pretty equally exhausted both times, but this time is worse because I have a child to keep up with. Elliott has watched more TV in the last 6 weeks than she had her whole life before that. I vow to be a more enriching SAHM! (Who's kidding though, right?)

I was NEVER emotional when pregnant with Elliott, but this time around I am a real basket case. It is so unlike me!! The number of times I've sobbed is truly stupid. Mushy commercials get me (this has never happened). Yesterday, I showed Elliott a bunch of random videos of family trips to WDW and just cried thinking about taking her. I usually go months without crying or even tearing up at all.

I went to the doctor by myself December 14 when I was 7w5d. All was good and heartbeat was 167. Not much else to add. I left Elliott with my mom. She doesn't ask questions but probably wondered where I was going. She's intuitive.

Nobody knows the news yet at this point (except that time I broke down sobbing to my cheer bus driver, who gave me a hug and mumbled "are you pregnant?" I was too shocked to be able to deny it, and rather said "how do you know that? Nobody knows that." Otherwise we will keep it to ourselves AT LEAST until the end of January when I'm 14-15 weeks. We will find out gender at our ultrasound early March. But I'm telling you, it's a boy.

I went back to the doc last week at 9w5d just to go over medical history and get blood drawn. Since I've done it all before, not much is new. I go back in a few weeks toward the end of January.

Just per usual, I am cautious about things and will feel much better once we get past the first 12-14 weeks. I had started taking some anxiety medication not long before getting pregnant, but have slowly weaned myself since finding out. I notice a difference, but it's manageable. We are just plugging along every day! So happy to have this dude to grow.

Due Date is July 28!

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