Monday, March 20, 2017

Florida Vaca March 2017: Part 1

Day 1, Sunday March 5:
The night before our trip I was really hating myself for picking the early flight. I procrastinated with a lot and felt unprepared. I was googling parking reviews at 10:30 PM and Andy was angry with me..

Neither of us slept well but were both feeling fine come 2AM. Everything was ready to go so I pretty much rolled out of bed, grabbed Elliott and went to the car. She didn't fall asleep till 9:45 the night
before, so I was hoping she'd sleep in the car. Nope! But she wasn't cranky. The roads were empty and we got to our parking lot shortly after 4AM. We booked with PreFlight Airport parking which was really nice as far as airport parking goes. The shuttle was fast and we were at the United checkin desk around 4:30.

Security wasn't bad at all and we walked to our terminal. I had Elliott in the carrier and noted that would not be happening the rest of the trip - not comfortable while pregnant. Our gate was full, but Elliott was happy walking around and munching on food. I had called United the day before when check-in wouldn't let me select seats. I got real worried we'd be separated but customer service assigned for me, row 9, extra legroom for no charge! Yeah! Note to self: make the call.

We boarded early despite my gut telling me to keep Elliott out but she did really great. She cried in her seat during take-off (surprise, she has control issues and was clearly anxious about what was happening). But she slept once we were sailing and napped for probably an hour and a half until the captain called for landing. We arrived in Orlando at 9:29 AM- early for our 10AM ETA! We were off the plane in a second and even though we moseyed, were at baggage quickly. We waited until 10:30 for our bags, but Elliott was happy as long as we let her roam free. We trekked down to Avis for the rental car and waited probably 20 minutes before going to get it. We got a new Ford Escape which was perfect. We hit the road around 11:15. It was comfortable 70s weather.

We were pooped so decided to just go to the resort for lunch. I updated our checkin time online (we were earlier than expected) and got the text our room was ready as we were walking from the car. I immediately was bummed about our building selection. The resort reminds me of teen spring break and is hoppin with activity. Our room is fine for the 3 of us but pretty small - definitely wouldn't want to be here for a week. It works fine for the price but we will upgrade for future trips. We head to the food court around 12:15 and get pizza for lunch.

Despite running on little sleep, Elliott won't nap. We do rest though and she falls asleep around 3:15. We wake at 4:45 and head to Disney Springs. Although things are way nicer than they used to be, this still isn't my scene. It's crowded and touristy. We make it over to D-Luxe burger for dinner. Andy waits in line for a while and I run around with Elliott. I get a veggie burger, Elliott and Andy get cheeseburgers. I really liked my burger. We split a root beer float and it was just okay - needed more ice cream!

Andy wants to shop at leisure but I remind him how busy the next days will be and the importance of pacing ourselves. We stop at UA before trekking to the car around 7:30. Elliott fights sleep for hours but finally is asleep at 9:45.

Day 2, Monday March 6
We had a hellacious night of sleep. I was on the edge of the bed and Elliott woke a lot and was up in my business. She wants to be up at 5am and plays until I get her back to sleep around 6:40. Andy goes out to get food for us. I get up to shower at 7:20 and am quick. Andy gives Elliott some fruit, yogurt, and milk and I scarf some cereal. We get to the car at 8.

The drive to Magic Kingdom is quick and easy. We get to the lot and fight about Andy paying $20 for parking when it should be free for us. Get on the tram and fight again because I forgot to tell him selfie sticks aren't allowed. He thinks he's going to be sent back to the car and I tell him to chill.

The monorail is closed for servicing so we have to take ferry which is a process. We get through bags and I look down while at turnstiles and it's 8:52!!! Freak out at how long that took and tell Andy we have to run. The morning show starts just as we walk into the park and I book like a mad woman. I head through toward Tomorrowland ignoring that everyone is just standing there. Get to the entrance just as the show ends! It's crowded but almost everyone goes to Space. We are one of the first to Speedway but Andy stops to take off Elliott's coat while a dozen people pass him!!! I wait while the two of them go. I seethe a little about our start but lighten up when I see Elliott's face smile when they pull by at 9:15.

We head to Pooh for a 20 minute wait. Am thankful for interactive queues and she plays with other kids. She's very antsy but it's doable. She really likes the ride and claps when it ends. We head over to Dumbo where the wait looks overwhelming. The interactive queue isn't open there but we wrangle her and it goes by okay. Her face is funny when Andy does fast drops but she really likes elephants and is having a ball.

We go to Little Mermaid and it's a walk on. Another ride that she loves, surprise surprise. I'm thinking this is just too good to be true how well she's being.

At this point I remember we forgot to put on sun screen.. bad mom award. It's mostly overcast and we are in and out of buildings but I pray we don't burn. We head over to Small World for a 20 minute wait. She has hit the wall and is tired but enjoys the ride. We hop on Peter Pan with our FP and she is again tired, but in awe. We go across to Pinocchio's for lunch at 11:00. It's not busy so we get food quickly. Pepperoni flatbreads for Andy and I and mac and cheese for Elliott, all okay.

Elliott and I go to use our FP for Rapunzel. I let her watch Mickey in line but it's a short wait. I'm not prepared when I walk in the room and tiana is like right there. The exchange is awkward since I'm fumbling so much. Elliott just sits there pretty free of emotion. Rapunzel is super chatty, but again doesn't get any reactions from her until I tell her to blow kisses as we leave. Of course the photos of all of this are terrible.

It's 11:45 and We need to go recharge our batteries. I'm really happy with how the morning went and don't want to push it. Andy wants to ride a big ride so goes to Splash for a 30 minute wait. Elliott and I walk in the stroller, get a Dole Whip Float before going to buy the new baby some goods on Main Street.

At 12:15 I really want to go so start heading back to the car. Andy can take the bus. The ferry takes forever and getting the stroller on the tram is interesting to do alone, thankfully a man offers to help. I don't remember our exact lot name so spend 15 minutes roaming around. Get to the car at 1:00. Elliott passes out in about 30 seconds. Andy is on the ferry at this point so I wait for him there. He walks right by me so we fight again about the whole situation. We get to All Star Sports around 1:45 so Elliott got about 45 minutes of sleep.

Her nap is ruined and she's wired. I'm still tired though so we all hang in the room and decide to get up around 4 and eat at the resort since We ate lunch early. Burger and chicken nuggets are standard.

After the morning debacle we decide to bus it tonight. We wait maybe 10 minutes and get on at 4:45. We are at turnstiles at 5:15 and note that it was much more chill than earlier.

We get a picture together in front of the castle before heading to our FP at jungle cruise. Elliott is tired and waiting in lines is getting rough. But she likes the ride. Then we go back over to tomorrowland and decide to do Peoplemover. She definitely enjoyed that one. Then Andy goes to use his Space FP and I get in line for Buzz. It takes way longer than necessary and even though she is excited in line, isn't into it once it's our turn. By then Andy is back and we head to teacups since we never did those earlier. We wait maybe 15 minutes and again she likes it.

At this point, she is real tired so we go to Baby Center to change into Jammies. We walk down Main Street to the Confectionery and get cotton candy to share. We play by the Train Station until Wishes starts at 8. Despite being cranky, she is into the fireworks and sings along with me in awe. Standing in the back gave me new insight to Disney Goers. People are stupid. A lot of people left after the first section (at minute 4). Since I'm a nutjob I know that Wishes is 12 minutes long. We did decide to leave just before finale fireworks since we really wanted to get the first bus back. That was a good idea because our line was already pretty full. We got on quickly and we're on our way by 8:20- back in our room before 8:45!

She fought sleep once again so I eventually gave her a bath. She ended up falling asleep around 10 (OMG).

I should note that she started to cough tonight at MK. Throughout the night it got real gross and she would wake up choking on phlegm. But somehow we both slept better than we did the night before. She woke up at 6:10 and I was just thankful it wasn't 5.


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Pregnancy #2 Update

Written 21 weeks

Not much has happened the last 10 weeks. I've gotten past any nausea and am feeling really great. I'm in much worse shape this time around so need to get in gear to prep for labor. Nicer weather should help with that! I started feeling kicks between 17-18 weeks and shortly after could see them from the outside. This kid is pretty active and almost any time I lie down I can feel nonstop movement, which I love.

I'm at the point where you can tell I'm pregnant depending on what I wear. Some people may just think I have a beer belly or something. It's definitely there from my perspective, though. Seems to be on par with my previous pregnancy growth but I don't take belly pics so who knows. #2ndchild We never made any formal announcement and really just told close friends and family. It doesn't really come up otherwise and I'm fine if people wonder. We're just letting the news spread the old fashioned way, I guess. Maybe we will address it at some point, I don't know.

I've had a few appointments since the last update. Elliott has gone with me the last two and behaved very well. She is very interested in what's going on. She gets that a baby is in my belly and is all about giving it kisses by the dozen which is super sweet. She's a baby lover!

Nothing at all important medical-wise to report. My doctor is switching practices and I'm actually quite excited. Her current office is older and she's upgrading to a nearly new building. My first appointment with her there is this week when I have an ultrasound. She said it's a fancy new 4D one so I'm pretty stoked about that. I definitely see her for her and not her staff /facilities so now I love her even more.

We should find out gender this week! I'm still convinced on boy and will be pretty shocked if we have another girl. Though I have no preference. I bring up names every now and then (I'm decisive and have mine selected) but Andy is hard to convince and changes his mind every time it comes up. We'll see. I'm not sure if/how we'll announce. Totally playing this one by ear.

Parenthood: Round 2

Yep, we are going to do all this again. I'm pregnant.

I sort of had a hunch and asked Andy to pick up a test for me. He apparently doesn't know the difference between a pregnancy test and an ovulation kit so that delayed that for a day :) Officially tested on Monday, November 21 and I just said "shiiiitttttt" when I saw the result. Taking a pregnancy test at home by myself (except having a toddler two feet away staring at me) was a little different than before :) After sort of deciding we would add another to our brood, it happened immediately. Kids, it really only does take one time! I wouldn't have it any other way, though!

Since I took progesterone with my last pregnancy, I called my doc to order a blood test. It was already the day before Thanksgiving. I normally avoid going to St. James like the plague because I know too many people but I was lazy and my SIL who works the desk was gone that week. I figured why not? I was still registered by a basically-family member but oh well! I hope HIPAA holds up. I went back on Friday and the place was dead. Still a little low on the progesterone so we are going ahead with supplements this time.

Since I'm writing this at 11 weeks 2 days, I can say the second time around is way different. I am lazy and way less obsessed about it. I am terrible about taking my supplements as needed and actually stopped at like 10.5 weeks (rather than 12). Overall things are just more lax.

Otherwise, things are comparable. I didn't ever get ill, but this time around I have gagged way more than before (every morning while emptying Elliott's old milk cups..).  The past few days have been much better. I was pretty equally exhausted both times, but this time is worse because I have a child to keep up with. Elliott has watched more TV in the last 6 weeks than she had her whole life before that. I vow to be a more enriching SAHM! (Who's kidding though, right?)

I was NEVER emotional when pregnant with Elliott, but this time around I am a real basket case. It is so unlike me!! The number of times I've sobbed is truly stupid. Mushy commercials get me (this has never happened). Yesterday, I showed Elliott a bunch of random videos of family trips to WDW and just cried thinking about taking her. I usually go months without crying or even tearing up at all.

I went to the doctor by myself December 14 when I was 7w5d. All was good and heartbeat was 167. Not much else to add. I left Elliott with my mom. She doesn't ask questions but probably wondered where I was going. She's intuitive.

Nobody knows the news yet at this point (except that time I broke down sobbing to my cheer bus driver, who gave me a hug and mumbled "are you pregnant?" I was too shocked to be able to deny it, and rather said "how do you know that? Nobody knows that." Otherwise we will keep it to ourselves AT LEAST until the end of January when I'm 14-15 weeks. We will find out gender at our ultrasound early March. But I'm telling you, it's a boy.

I went back to the doc last week at 9w5d just to go over medical history and get blood drawn. Since I've done it all before, not much is new. I go back in a few weeks toward the end of January.

Just per usual, I am cautious about things and will feel much better once we get past the first 12-14 weeks. I had started taking some anxiety medication not long before getting pregnant, but have slowly weaned myself since finding out. I notice a difference, but it's manageable. We are just plugging along every day! So happy to have this dude to grow.

Due Date is July 28!