Saturday, March 18, 2017

Pregnancy #2 Update

Written 21 weeks

Not much has happened the last 10 weeks. I've gotten past any nausea and am feeling really great. I'm in much worse shape this time around so need to get in gear to prep for labor. Nicer weather should help with that! I started feeling kicks between 17-18 weeks and shortly after could see them from the outside. This kid is pretty active and almost any time I lie down I can feel nonstop movement, which I love.

I'm at the point where you can tell I'm pregnant depending on what I wear. Some people may just think I have a beer belly or something. It's definitely there from my perspective, though. Seems to be on par with my previous pregnancy growth but I don't take belly pics so who knows. #2ndchild We never made any formal announcement and really just told close friends and family. It doesn't really come up otherwise and I'm fine if people wonder. We're just letting the news spread the old fashioned way, I guess. Maybe we will address it at some point, I don't know.

I've had a few appointments since the last update. Elliott has gone with me the last two and behaved very well. She is very interested in what's going on. She gets that a baby is in my belly and is all about giving it kisses by the dozen which is super sweet. She's a baby lover!

Nothing at all important medical-wise to report. My doctor is switching practices and I'm actually quite excited. Her current office is older and she's upgrading to a nearly new building. My first appointment with her there is this week when I have an ultrasound. She said it's a fancy new 4D one so I'm pretty stoked about that. I definitely see her for her and not her staff /facilities so now I love her even more.

We should find out gender this week! I'm still convinced on boy and will be pretty shocked if we have another girl. Though I have no preference. I bring up names every now and then (I'm decisive and have mine selected) but Andy is hard to convince and changes his mind every time it comes up. We'll see. I'm not sure if/how we'll announce. Totally playing this one by ear.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Rachel!! ❤️ (And yes, I still follow your blog and love hearing what's happening in your life! 😊)
