Wednesday, May 17, 2017

28 Weeks

This pregnancy is going fast. I have to think about how far along I am which is funny to me.

I didn't really start showing noticeably until closer to 18-20 weeks, but then I definitely popped. Thankfully I seem to have plateaud since and for that I am grateful. I'm not uncomfortable and I'd like to keep it that way, although none of my pants fit and I'll be in leggings all summer. I haven't paid attention to any weight gain but I think I'm fairly close to what I was last time.

Have I mentioned that it's a boy? I found out without a doubt at my anatomy scan around 22 weeks. I face timed Andy from the car to tell him (we weren't surprised). Then we announced publicly about a week later. It had gotten to a point where a lot of people knew, others suspected, but we hadn't acknowledged it so it was nice to get it out of limbo. 

We still have no idea what his name will be. We've gone through a million lists it seems, but nothing is standing out as a clear favorite. We can't seem to agree so hopefully we have an epiphany soon. I hate not deciding.

We have made a lot of progress on baby boy's room. We cleared it of all the junk that was stored in there, moved the bed, and sold the two dressers. We picked up all of the new furniture from ikea and it's been nice to get that done. Since I have a lot of the clothes prepped, I just need to do the decorative touches and we will be good to go.

I had my glucose tolerance test at 28w4d. Drawing blood is pretty painless for me, thankfully, and I don't think the drink is bad at all. I drew at 8:54, 9:54, and 10:54. I saw Dr Emm in between. Fetal movement chart is back so I'll be documenting that from now on. I've gained about 20 lb so far. Blood pressure looks good, no concerns. I did talk to her about starting back on anxiety meds because this month it has been really debilitating for me. I'm still not ready to pull the trigger but it's nice to know she doesn't have any issue with it. 

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