Tuesday, June 27, 2017

36ish Weeks

We're at the 9 month mark. It does feel like forever since I learned I was pregnant, but this one has definitely gone faster!  Nothing super important to note. He's a pretty active kid and I feel his feet kicking my side a lot. His head seems to be nice and low (seriously feels like he's trying to escape already). I feel like he's going to be really long based on his positioning. His heartbeat at my 35.5 week appointment was 127 but he must've been sleeping because that's been the lowest it's been so far for sure. He's usually racing! I'm up probably 28 lb. Getting dressed is a real chore because I'm extra hippy this time I guess. 

I'm starting to get tired. Most of this is because I don't drink enough water, but I just don't have energy to do much. Since these are my last few weeks alone with Elliott, we've been doing activities nearly every morning, but then nap time is so welcomed. We've been going to the library for the summer reading program a lot (which she loves!) otherwise we have tumbling class on fridays and fill in other days with the splash pad or parks, and she goes with me to my OB appointments. Swimming takes too much effort so we haven't done much of that.

I'm also starting to worry about labor since I'm not in nearly as good of shape as I was last time. We go on a decent number of walks but I also sit a lot. I've started doing some Pilates again in hopes that I don't die. The politics of healthcare are so convuluted that we are going to be paying $$$$$ for this kid and doing anything other than a completely natural labor isn't even an option. If my doc would deliver me at home I'd do it! 

Baby Boy's room is also done (ish)! We have enough clothes and all are clean and organized. Bedding and curtains are up. I plan to purchase letters for his name to go on one wall, though. We are 99% sure we've decided on it but I'll still wait until we're certain. Otherwise I don't plan on doing much else since, let's face it, the kid won't use his room for probably months to come, and I'm just less inspired/more lazy this time. We do need to bring up all the baby gear (bassinet, bouncer, car seat) but we'll get there. There are still a few things we'd like to buy but can't justify spending money on (see above paragraph...). I'm pretty confident I will be a few days overdue this time so not getting too antsy just yet, but birth being over will be welcome. I'm trying not to even think about logistics of life with two kids but I'm sure we will figure it out as we go. I am getting so excited to meet him! 

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