Sunday, August 18, 2013

Honeymoon: Day 1

Andy and I were on the same page from the start about where we wanted to go for our honeymoon. We'd both always dreamed of going to Hawaii, so it was a no brainer. That, along with the fact we had a travel agent, the planning for the trip was pretty effortless. Mind you, I did get a few pointers from my parents who are frequent Hawaii-goers, but I pretty much just showed up to the airport for this one..

I will preface these posts by saying I'm trying to be as detailed as possible about our travels. I know I will forget these things in a short time, so bear with me!

We left for our honeymoon on Monday, June 10 giving us a day of rest after the wedding. Of course, we put off packing so Sunday was kind of chaotic. That paired with our excitement of the trip, we got little sleep on Sunday night. I woke up at 3:45 am on Monday and was raring to go. We were both ready with plenty of time to spare for our driver to pick us up at 5:30 am to trek to O'Hare...

Side note: I was completely against getting a driver to and from the airport at first. I figured it was wasted money that we could save. However, it really was our saving grace. Plus when you consider airport parking fees, it probably wasn't much more. Seriously, so thankful I caved in on that.

Anywho, we go to O'Hare around 7:30 am and got through security in a flash. We were at our gate by 8 and our flight wasn't set to depart till 10:05. I should put that once we got to the airport I became a complete nut case. I am an anxious person to begin with, but with the lack of sleep and craziness from the wedding I was really at a 10 on the crazy scale. Andy was insistent we eat a good breakfast because we'd be in the air without food all day, so we went to Chili's right by our gate. When I'm anxious, I cannot eat. I literally make myself sick and physically needed to sit at the gate to ensure I didn't miss the flight. I am aware of my neuroces... I even texted my mother at some point saying "Andy has concluded I need crazy pills." It may be true..

So we board our flight and are lucky enough to get the side aisle to ourselves (the plane has three sections of seats 2-5-2). The flight was dreadfully long and boring (just over 8 hours straight to Honolulu). We made it to Honolulu and prepped for our 2.5 hour layover. Again with the nerves, I was a wreck about getting to our gate even though we had so much time to spare. We had a heck of a time trying to figure out where our gate was, and ended up having to walk completely across the airport to find it. 

Andy and I waiting at the gate in Honolulu

Finally we board our second flight to Kuaui, and again had a row of two to ourselves. It was a quick half hour flight and with pretty views! We got our luggage immediately, picked up our car, and made the 5-10 minute drive to our resort. We unloaded and looked around before deciding to grab a light meal to tide us over. We had salads on the terrace by the pool and called it an early night.

Stay tuned for more exciting reports..

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