Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Honeymoon: Day 2

So we were finally in Hawaii. Our first day we knew we wanted to take it easy and regroup after traveling. First we headed to Walmart for some munchies. We got some snacks, bread, and peanut butter just so we could have something to snack on in the room. (Note: There was one Walmart on the island and they don't use plastic bags. You either need to buy their reusables or carry things out one by one). When we returned, we got to know our resort. We stayed at the Kauai Marriott and it was fabulous - I highly recommend it! Right outside our room (both off the balcony and right out the front door) was the garden area.

Then we went to check out the pool area and beach - it was cloudy out. Andy and I were so worried that a week of cloudiness was in store for us. However, around 9:30 am the sun was blaring out rays (that was the last we saw of the clouds). It was so nice. The hotel opened up to a large balcony-type area. There was a bar and five columned sections which all overlooked the pool. Underneath the columns were five hot tubs connected to the pool. Here is Andy standing in one of the columned areas.

And here is the pool area. Sooo fabulous. And you can see the ocean in the back.

There was a grassy area in the back with lawn chairs followed by sand/the beach.  I don't really have a picture demonstrating this, but you'll get the point after seeing photos later on. I should also note that in order to hang around the Marriott's pool and beach area, you need wrist bands. You get pool cards at check in to exchange for fresh towels and wrist bands each day so staff can identify the guests. During our stay we saw them ask several people to leave because they weren't guests of the resort (politely, of course).

We ate lunch at the grill by the pool, and rotated from swimming and lounging. We hooked up with the concierge and planned a handful of activities for the week - super convenient! After showering, we went to dinner at Cafe Portofino, an italian restaurant connected to the resort. I got spaghetti and Andy got lasagna and they were both really good.  Since we sat on a deck area overlooking the beach, we had a glorious view.

After a day in the sun, we took a drive around. We had nowhere in particular to go, we were just ready to go see the island. Here are some of the highlights..

What I could capture of the tunnel of trees

I think I said "It's so pretty" a million times during that car ride. We grabbed some gelato back by the resort and hit the hay. Ready to go on an adventure the next day!

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