Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day In The Life: Part 2

I got to thinking when I was writing my previous post how different my days really are from one another. So I decided to do an at-home version of DITL. In a few years I will probably laugh at the time I waste.

Tuesday January 28

9:00 Holy cow I slept till 9! Begin my usual sweep of FB, Instagram, and blogs. Review and publish yesterday's DITL post. Start this one.

9:37 Complete morning rituals. Tidy up our bedroom a little. Sort laundry and start a load.

9:49 Convince myself to eat breakfast before moving onto anything else. Enjoy yogurt and granola in silence.

10:06 Start my to-do list for the day and check the fridge/pantry to assemble a grocery list. Put away the dishes I set out to dry last night. Load stray dirty dishes. Wipe counters. Clean the microwave. Start the self clean on the oven. Tidy up the living room.

10:31 Head back to the laundry room to fold and put away the clean stuff. Start Pandora to keep up the motivation. Move over a load.

11:00 Head into the office to catch up on emails. Create and print out a new checkbook register and balance it all from the last 3 days. Go through my stack of miscellaneous papers and file everything I need into our new filing cabinet.

12:11 Andy is home for lunch. I gather up a few random things for us to have since it's grocery day and the fridge is pretty bare. We catch up on our days, I put everything away and start scrubbing the oven rack. What a painnnn..

1:00 I head back to the office to do more financial stuff and update this post. Head to the laundry room to move over a load. Start folding again.

1:19 I start dusting and vacuuming all the carpet (save for the office and spare room since they're so full of stuff)

1:58 Break time. I snack on a cheese stick and some left over corn (random, I know). I catch up on my Feedly.

2:28 I go to hop in the shower and prep myself to run errands.

3:11 Remember I need to set up a few doctor appointments, so I make those calls

3:45 Head to town. Go to the post office and the bank before heading to my parents' to drop off our recycling.

4:15 Leave my parents. Swing by Aldi and then County Market. 

5:15 Arrive home. Unload all the groceries and sit down to chat with Andy.

6:08 Start the dinner making process. Chicken stir fry. 

6:54 Dinner is ready. We eat and then I start doing the dishes.

7:25 Sit down on the couch for the first time today. Watch a few episodes of Big Bang Theory and mess with my phone.

11:00 I peel my half asleep self off the couch and get ready for bed. Two nights in a row I hate myself for staying up so late. Goodnight.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day In The Life

You can thank Allyson for this post.. My apologies, my life is pretty boring.

Monday January 27:

6:10 My alarm scares me when it goes off, per usual. I negotiate with myself about how long I can stay in bed.

6:32 Get out of bed. Head to the kitchen and use the Netty pot (TMI?). Pour myself cereal. Simultaneously make a PBJ while eating and then load dishes.

6:46 Take my inhaler med (new accessory). Brush teeth. Hop in the shower. Do hair and makeup.

7:21 Get dressed and leave for work.

8:03 Pull into work. Think about how 0 degrees isn't that unbearable. Get settled and check emails. Prep for my first appointment.

8:16 Grab my first patient early and review her week.

8:49 Finish the appointment and head back to my desk. Take a phone call from an insurance company. Check email again and start writing my note. Approve my previous time sheet. Eat a banana.

9:42 Chat with coworkers. Respond to client emails. Make copies and prep papers for afternoon appointments. 

11:11 Clock out for lunch. Eat my sandwich. Check all forms of social media/blogs. 

11:49 Clock in. Review food logs for afternoon appointments. Start creating a new handout on sodium.

1:00 Start an appointment. 

1:49 End said appointment. Head back to my computer and write my note. 

2:46 Start another appointment. 

3:20 The appointment ends and I chart. I tie up loose ends for the day.

4:00 I clock out and attempt to start my car from my desk. I fail and head out to a freezing car. I head home.

4:35 I pull into our drive and get the mail. Get out pork to thaw for dinner. Clean up a few dishes Andy left out and start the dishwasher. 

5:00 Grab a snack and sit on the couch. Catch up on social media and begin writing this post. Baby Mama plays in the background.

6:15 I get up to make dinner. Spaghetti. I brown the meat and make the sauce. Cheer a little when I realize we have leftover salad from yesterday.

6:50 Sit down to eat. Squeal that Andy actually is eating a meal without pouring cheese all over. 

7:10 Andy scarfs his food per usual and has started the new HIMYM episode. I sit to watch.

7:37 Andy switches to Friends with Benefits. I get sucked in even though I have other things to do..

7:55 I thank God for DVR and pause the tv to finish cleaning the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher, wash the pans, and switch out the trash. I put my winter coat in the wash.

8:40 I don't let myself get sucked into the laundry room and head back to the couch to finish the movie. 

10:00 The movie finishes. I'm ready for bed but decide to watch Chelsea Lately, which then rolls over to the 1.5 hour post-Grammy E! News special.

Midnight, I don't see you very often. I resolve not to stay up this late again. I hang my winter coat to dry, get ready for bed, and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Halfway There...

We never used our dining room until recently. We just purchased a dining room table so up until then the room was just an empty space with nothing on the walls. After a long wait, our table came in and we really like it! I am still using my iPhone camera, but will hopefully have a replacement shortly. The best way I can describe the stain of the table is that it matches the lightest grain in the wood floor. Since we ordered it before actually seeing it in person we were a little nervous, but it fits quite well. And I really love the long lines on the back of the chairs. It seats 6 currently but with two leaves on the ends we could add 2 more if needed.

The next thing to do was to find items for the wall. The back wall is pretty big so it's quite a bit of space to fill and I'm really picky about wall art. My mom and I went shopping up north and stumbled upon this beaut. It took some reassurance from my sisters but I brought it home for about $40! A total steal considering how large it is. 

However, when we put it against the wall it looked tiny. We still needed a few other things, so we decided on a few white floating shelves. We picked these up from Menards. 

Now, we had a plan in the beginning but of course nothing works the way we think it's going to. We bought three 3 ft. shelves and decided to stagger them. Once the first two were on the wall we realized three was not going to work (oops). So we just left the two. The asymmetry bothers me and I cannot for the life of me get them styled in a way that I like. But it is an improvement. And I'm telling myself it will take time.  Pretty much everything seen here was from a local home store given to us as wedding gifts. I'll accept any tips on how to make these look better.

But as the title of this post implies, we are only halfway there. In addition to figuring out what the heck to do with those shelves, we still need an oversized rug for beneath the table. I'm also really wanting to get a weekly menu board (I've got my eye on a few from Etsy). I'm going to give myself a heart attack stressing about this crap.

These pictures are god awful. The colors look nothing like this in real life. Now do you see why I never blog???