Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day In The Life: Part 2

I got to thinking when I was writing my previous post how different my days really are from one another. So I decided to do an at-home version of DITL. In a few years I will probably laugh at the time I waste.

Tuesday January 28

9:00 Holy cow I slept till 9! Begin my usual sweep of FB, Instagram, and blogs. Review and publish yesterday's DITL post. Start this one.

9:37 Complete morning rituals. Tidy up our bedroom a little. Sort laundry and start a load.

9:49 Convince myself to eat breakfast before moving onto anything else. Enjoy yogurt and granola in silence.

10:06 Start my to-do list for the day and check the fridge/pantry to assemble a grocery list. Put away the dishes I set out to dry last night. Load stray dirty dishes. Wipe counters. Clean the microwave. Start the self clean on the oven. Tidy up the living room.

10:31 Head back to the laundry room to fold and put away the clean stuff. Start Pandora to keep up the motivation. Move over a load.

11:00 Head into the office to catch up on emails. Create and print out a new checkbook register and balance it all from the last 3 days. Go through my stack of miscellaneous papers and file everything I need into our new filing cabinet.

12:11 Andy is home for lunch. I gather up a few random things for us to have since it's grocery day and the fridge is pretty bare. We catch up on our days, I put everything away and start scrubbing the oven rack. What a painnnn..

1:00 I head back to the office to do more financial stuff and update this post. Head to the laundry room to move over a load. Start folding again.

1:19 I start dusting and vacuuming all the carpet (save for the office and spare room since they're so full of stuff)

1:58 Break time. I snack on a cheese stick and some left over corn (random, I know). I catch up on my Feedly.

2:28 I go to hop in the shower and prep myself to run errands.

3:11 Remember I need to set up a few doctor appointments, so I make those calls

3:45 Head to town. Go to the post office and the bank before heading to my parents' to drop off our recycling.

4:15 Leave my parents. Swing by Aldi and then County Market. 

5:15 Arrive home. Unload all the groceries and sit down to chat with Andy.

6:08 Start the dinner making process. Chicken stir fry. 

6:54 Dinner is ready. We eat and then I start doing the dishes.

7:25 Sit down on the couch for the first time today. Watch a few episodes of Big Bang Theory and mess with my phone.

11:00 I peel my half asleep self off the couch and get ready for bed. Two nights in a row I hate myself for staying up so late. Goodnight.

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