Monday, January 27, 2014

Day In The Life

You can thank Allyson for this post.. My apologies, my life is pretty boring.

Monday January 27:

6:10 My alarm scares me when it goes off, per usual. I negotiate with myself about how long I can stay in bed.

6:32 Get out of bed. Head to the kitchen and use the Netty pot (TMI?). Pour myself cereal. Simultaneously make a PBJ while eating and then load dishes.

6:46 Take my inhaler med (new accessory). Brush teeth. Hop in the shower. Do hair and makeup.

7:21 Get dressed and leave for work.

8:03 Pull into work. Think about how 0 degrees isn't that unbearable. Get settled and check emails. Prep for my first appointment.

8:16 Grab my first patient early and review her week.

8:49 Finish the appointment and head back to my desk. Take a phone call from an insurance company. Check email again and start writing my note. Approve my previous time sheet. Eat a banana.

9:42 Chat with coworkers. Respond to client emails. Make copies and prep papers for afternoon appointments. 

11:11 Clock out for lunch. Eat my sandwich. Check all forms of social media/blogs. 

11:49 Clock in. Review food logs for afternoon appointments. Start creating a new handout on sodium.

1:00 Start an appointment. 

1:49 End said appointment. Head back to my computer and write my note. 

2:46 Start another appointment. 

3:20 The appointment ends and I chart. I tie up loose ends for the day.

4:00 I clock out and attempt to start my car from my desk. I fail and head out to a freezing car. I head home.

4:35 I pull into our drive and get the mail. Get out pork to thaw for dinner. Clean up a few dishes Andy left out and start the dishwasher. 

5:00 Grab a snack and sit on the couch. Catch up on social media and begin writing this post. Baby Mama plays in the background.

6:15 I get up to make dinner. Spaghetti. I brown the meat and make the sauce. Cheer a little when I realize we have leftover salad from yesterday.

6:50 Sit down to eat. Squeal that Andy actually is eating a meal without pouring cheese all over. 

7:10 Andy scarfs his food per usual and has started the new HIMYM episode. I sit to watch.

7:37 Andy switches to Friends with Benefits. I get sucked in even though I have other things to do..

7:55 I thank God for DVR and pause the tv to finish cleaning the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher, wash the pans, and switch out the trash. I put my winter coat in the wash.

8:40 I don't let myself get sucked into the laundry room and head back to the couch to finish the movie. 

10:00 The movie finishes. I'm ready for bed but decide to watch Chelsea Lately, which then rolls over to the 1.5 hour post-Grammy E! News special.

Midnight, I don't see you very often. I resolve not to stay up this late again. I hang my winter coat to dry, get ready for bed, and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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