Monday, May 18, 2015

Day In The Life

Thursday, May 14

Elliott is 23 days old

2:21 Baby girl is stirring next to me so I start nursing. I still find it to be a bit painful so I start this post to distract myself. Check IG, FB, and feedly. We are already on our second wake up and she only went to bed 3 hours ago.

2:34 She's done eating but I want to make sure she's really out before handing her off.

2:51 I turn on the vibrate to her bassinet and lay her down. She wakes immediately so I lay her next to me. No luck. She starts really squirming which is a sign of a wet diaper. I check her and hand her off to Andy to change.

3:14 She falls asleep on my chest. I leave her there to not risk a wake up. 

6:02 Almost 3 hours! She's stirring so I nurse her.

6:28 She's having sweet baby dreams in her bassinet. I decide I'll get up and shower while Andy is still here.

6:30 Andy's alarm goes off and ruins that idea. She's awake so I don't fight it. We go to the kitchen and I lay her on the floor while I get breakfast and take it to the bedroom. I change her diaper.

6:55 I finish my cereal in bed just as she starts rooting. I swaddle and start feeding her.

7:00 She's not into it, which is fine because I'm trying to find other ways to put her to sleep besides nurse. We cuddle and she goes in and out of sleep pretty instantly.

9:12 I wake with a baby next to me. I broke my rule of only bringing her into bed once a night, but oh well. I go change a poopy diaper.

9:26 We are back in bed swaddled and it's time to eat again (nursing is seriously all I do).

9:54 If I'm going to shower now is the time. She's good and asleep so I put her in her bassinet and swivel it so I can see from the shower (seriously awesome feature).

10:09 I'm done and she's still snoozing. I collect dirty dishes around the house and fold and put away a load of towels from the dryer. I move over a load and start one. 

10:20 Still sleeping. I go to the kitchen and put away some dishes I cleaned last night. Do random pick ups.

10:27 Elliott is stirring. She's obviously making a messy diaper so I give her a few minutes before changing her.

10:39 Someone wants to eat again. As you can tell we are on no schedule and she eats whenever she wants. 

10:54 She grins while she puts herself to sleep on my belly. I think about how lucky we are to have such a cute baby. I turn on the tv to watch the end of last night's Nashville episode. Then I move on to Jimmy Fallon.

11:35 Andy is home for lunch. I get dressed and move E out to the mamaroo. I get strawberries, a few slices of pizza, and some brownie I made last night.

12:05 Take out the compost. Sit at the counter with Andy. Update this post. Change Elliott's diaper.

12:20 Andy has the baby while I clean up the kitchen and start the dishwasher. I hang some clothes from the dryer and move over a load.

12:35 It's time for baby girl to eat lunch. I sit on the couch and nurse while on my phone.

12:52 She's out. I start sorting through a pile of papers I've collected since her birth. 

1:28 Turn The Talk on tv while she snoozes on my lap.

1:55 She's stirring and I know she needs her diaper changed. Do that before deciding to go get the mail. Grab the k'tan from the car, load her in, and off we go. Sort the mail into piles on the counter.

2:15 E is hungry again. Feed her and see I missed a call from our insurance man. Call him back while she eats. Turn on Chain Reaction.

2:40 She's off and snoozing. We both take a nap on the couch.

3:44 Elliott is fidgeting and needs a new diaper. 

3:54 We are back on the couch and she's ready to eat. She nurses while I get on my phone.

4:03 She's asleep. I turn on Tangled. 

4:28 I put her in the mamaroo while she sleeps, grab another brownie and do some thank you notes for baby gifts.

5:01 Finish up notes just as she wakes. Time for diaper change! 

5:06 Pick out an outfit for tomorrow since we have errands to run. Refill and organize the diaper bag while she wiggles on the floor.

5:12 She wants to eat again. Browse on my phone. Andy arrives.

5:33 Hand her awake to Andy while I start dinner: grilled chicken, rice, and veggies. I prep that while putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. I fill the sink and start doing the dirties.

6:00 Elliott starts to fuss so I figure she wants to eat the other side. Do so and she's still awake.

6:33 She's not sleeping so I put her in the mamaroo so I can eat. She sits content for a bit but eventually starts to gently fuss so Andy takes her. She calms easily.

7:10 She is still fighting sleep a bit, thankfully she isn't cranky. I take her from Andy since she's been awake for 2 hours. Nurse her for a few minutes.

7:28 Baby is conked on my chest. I love it. She faded in and out for a while before staying out.

8:33 She's fidgeting. I take her to her room to change diapers and get a new sleeper. 

8:42 She starts to fuss probably because she's tired. I start feeding her while Andy makes some popcorn. 

9:05 The baby is sleeping and Andy is finishing his popcorn so I hand her to him so I can address all the thank yous.

9:20 I finish and she's fussing a bit because she's fighting sleep. I feed her and it only takes a few minutes for her to doze. We watch TV and I try to keep her sleeping.

10:35 Still sleeping. I fall asleep with her on the couch.

11:15 We wake. Andys changes her diaper while I brush my teeth. Feed her in bed.

11:43 Put her in her bassinet. Update this post. 

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