Thursday, July 30, 2015

Elliott: Three Months Old

Where the hell did this month go? Didn't I just write last month's post? Time is seriously flying..

Elliott is growing into more of a little girl every day. She is so strong that I can pretty much cart her on my hip (sigh). The girl loves sitting up, and if you hold her hands while she lays she will pull herself up to a sitting position. She does well in the booster seat! I suck at doing tummy time, but I'm sure if I pushed it she'd be on her way to rolling over. When we went to the doctor at 11.5 weeks, she weighed 11 lb 5 oz with a diaper on and was 23 in long, so she's going at a great pace. Right now we are wearing a mix of all sizes 3-6, 3 month, and even some 0-3. We won't be in any 0-3 or 3 month for much longer though. 

Breastfeeding is the way to go, man. After I got through the first two months, it has been a breeze. I'm lazy, it's convenient, and Elliott loves it. We are still on an every 2-3 hour schedule for the most part and I follow her lead completely. When she gets a bottle, it's usually 3 oz, although she's been a bottle fighter as of late and we are lucky if she take one ounce. She may fall asleep after eating (either with a bottle or boob), but if her schedule doesn't work out then I can get her to sleep by swaddling and bouncing with a little effort. We are already halfway to six months and it makes me sad thinking about giving her solids, aka big girl food. 

I had noticed around 6 weeks that Elliott was spitting up a lot. It seemed to get worse, so I tried everything: keeping her upright, burping more, unlatching during let-down, giving her pumped milk, changing my diet, changing feeding frequency. No factor seemed to make much difference. And to top it off, she was getting more colicky every day. It was clear she was uncomfortable or in pain, the poor kid! One morning she puked 7 times within half an hour after eating, so I finally called the doc. Dr. Murphy prescribed Zantac and it is like we have a new baby. I also put her bassinet mattress at an incline and make sure she is almost always sleeping upright. She spits up minimally in this position, but mostly it keeps the acid out of her throat so it doesn't burn. She's much happier. She will smile all day long and pretty much only cries if she's been awake too long. Even though she's still a bit colicky and the volume of puke is still pretty high, I'm so glad she feels better. If we are at home in our own environment it's pretty breezy to deal with.

Elliott has always been a five star night sleeper in my opinion, and that has only gotten better. Bedtime is about 7:30 on a typical weeknight and she sleeps for 12 hours pretty much regardless of bedtime. She gets changed, swaddled, and fed in the dark while in bed. I play lullaby music and she conks pretty easily. I've started just keeping her in our bed during this period. She sleeps like a rock and it starts the night on a great note. I eventually get up and use this time to get other things done. Sometimes she wakes up if she senses I'm not there but she goes back to sleep easily if I just lie with her. When it's time for us to sleep then I move her to the bassinet. During the night I can give her a pacifier and she will soothe herself, but since she started the meds she only really wakes up when she's truly hungry, so the pacifier doesn't work as much. She never cries at night (never has), but I sense that she's awake, feed her, and she sleeps easily. During her 12 hour sleep period, she wakes 3-4 times. I've gotten used to bed sharing because I fall asleep while nursing her and often don't wake up till the next session. Although it's much more difficult to keep her inclined in our bed without taking up a bunch of space. But don't talk to me about her sleeping in her own room. I know I will have separation anxiety and wouldn't sleep well with her not next to me. Not worth the battle- good thing she is only 3 months and I feel like I have plenty of time.

I've never felt sleep deprived since having her, that is for sure. (Yes, I still nap with her about once a day). She naps in our bed, on me, or in her crib, we don't have a set place. I should probably work on more of a regimen, as I can really tell she greatly prefers to sleep with me next to her (though not necessarily holding her). She has been having 2-3 short 45 min-1 hour naps with one long nap in the middle of the day (anywhere from 2-3 hours).

We still aren't really into toys, but I keep her pretty occupied when awake. In the morning she is super happy kicking on our bed while I either sleep longer or slowly wake up. Elliott is happy on the floor for a good while most of the time. We also got a bouncer which has been great; she sits on the counter and watches as I do dishes or clean the kitchen, I bring it to the laundry room or office if I'm working, and she sits in it while I shower. It's nice that it's so easily movable and she does seem to love it most of the time. She also still does the mamaroo (and even better now that she's on the Zantac) although I'm convinced she'd like the plush version better. Elliott hasn't been in the k'tan carrier as often this month, but she still is content in it. Now when we shop, she is often awake and just looks around. She really does love to be out and about. She's been to another wedding, cheer practice, and church and has behaved wonderfully at each. I'm actually glad she does better in extra social settings than when she's bored at home!

However, she is not a car baby. She cries more while in the car than anywhere else, easily. Although I think she likes Andy's truck better because she can basically stare out the rear window from her seat. Diaper changes are also hit or miss. Thankfully she still loves the bath and now that she's stronger I can easily bathe her by myself (Andy always rushes us). She doesn't love to have her clothes changed, although now that I don't put her in many tight onesies, she does much better. She also loves music and dancing! Overall she is more talkative and has started to babble.

Elliott has gotten a fair amount of time away from me this month. Both of our parents have watched her a few times now, also Kayla, otherwise just Andy. She is still definitely a mama's girl, but hopefully now that she is feeling better she will not be a terror for everyone else when I'm away. I'm pretty certain she has screamed bloody murder for at least part of the time every instance that I've left her. I have two weeks of work starting next week, so she will get a big wake up call I think. I love that she needs me so much but I also don't want her to be miserable whenever I'm not by her side.

For the most part, people say she is a mix of both of us in the looks department, though we've had a few see more of me or Andy in her. We haven't really examined baby pictures to tell. She does have Gschwendtner ears but no other features really stick out. Right now she has my exact blue eye color. We are leaning more toward Andy's eye shape, and possibly nose, and my mouth and chin.

She just gets better and better every day! I still spend too much time staring at her and she will probably develop a complex from me constantly telling her she's pretty.

Friday, July 24, 2015

3 Months Later: Why My Labor Was Perfect

No, this is not a sappy post. 

My labor with Elliott was pretty much picture perfect. I couldn't have dreamed of a better first delivery. These are some off the reasons why I think it went so smoothly, so for the next one I can reference and duplicate. Many are self explanatory.

1. I didn't have to be induced.
I know most people can't control this, but thankfully I didn't have any medical reason for induction, and could hold off on delivering for as long as I wanted. My body and baby were ready to go just 3 days after my due date. I had a long enough labor as it is, and I'm pretty sure being induced would only add to that. Not to mention I was always scared my body would be stubborn and counter attack pitocin and I'd end up with a section. Remind me of this when I want the convenience of an induction with baby #2.

2. I had the best nurse ever.
I had great nurses throughout my stay in the hospital, but I only really remember the ones during my labor. Samantha was my nurse for the actual delivery and she might as well have been called Saint Samantha. She had the greatest bedside manner and talked me off the epidural ledge at the end when I was losing it. She was the greatest coach and I'm glad she was the one there with me through the worst (and later the best!) part of it all. I still can't believe she was only a PRN L+D nurse because that girl deserves a medal or something. And this was one thing to happen completely by chance, it's not like a bunch of nurses lined up and I got to pick mine.

3. I had the best doctor ever.
I can't say this enough. Dr. Emm was always understanding and respectful, so would be okay with any route I took for delivery. However, our philosophies lined up pretty perfectly anyway. She is really laid back and trusts the labor process. But even more so, she really made me feel like a priority. She didn't pass me on to anyone else just because she wasn't on call. When I was dying at the end, it took her four minutes to get to my room from the time Sam told us she called her.  She came to the hospital a little early to break my water (I was at a 9) and was there with me through the whole pushing process. She will definitely be delivering all of my babies and I will be devastated if for some reason that can't happen.

4. I did a lot of squats.
I am generally in decent shape but I was not all about exercising during pregnancy. The only things I held myself accountable for were stretches and squats, and I was pretty good about following through, especially at the end of my pregnancy. I had always learned that squats help the baby get low, but after delivery I also read an article about squats strengthening pelvic floor to push out babies very quickly. Elliott was out head to toe in one push so that can't be coincidental, at least not entirely.

5. I didn't have an epidural.
Technically this should have no bearing on a successful labor, but hear me out. First of all, I feel like moving around was key to get things to progress. I'm convinced it would have been days if I couldn't walk the halls. An epidural would have made that pretty impossible. Also I am still more scared about the numbness and random side effects of epidurals than a giant needle going into my back. Plus, remember when I said Elliott was born in one push? I'm pretty sure being in pain motivated me to get that done more quickly than if I had been numbed. I'm still kind of shocked that I made it without one, but then again I am pretty stubborn... 

6. I got lucky.
I'm pretty convinced that much of pregnancy and labor is just sheer dumb luck. I accepted early on that things wouldn't always be in my control and really tried to psyche myself up for anything. I prepared myself for various scenarios, but always continued to work toward my ideal vision anyway. It worked out anyway. But even if it wouldn't have, I would've gotten over it. We still have the cutest, cuddly baby!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day in the Life: Summer 2015

Thursday, July 16

Elliott is 12 weeks, 2 days old

1:45 Elliott is stirring awake. I try to give her the paci but she spits it right out. I pick her up, lay her in our bed, and start nursing. She immediately conks and I follow.

2:45 Stirring again, but I'm pretty sure she's just gassy. Try to give her the paci and end up just waking her. Oops. My boob puts her to sleep in a few minutes.

4:45 She stirs again. Another no-go on the paci. A quick nursing session and we both are asleep by 5.

6:45 The beast is stirring again. I ignore her. Too many wake ups tonight.

7:37 Elliott is awake. Another turn down of the paci, so nursing it is. 

7:45 Shocked that she fell back asleep and isn't just up for the day. I start this post. I need to pump but know that if I get out of bed she'll wake up. I check social media and send some emails.

8:35 She's awake for the day. We cuddle a bit and I finish sending my cheer emails/texts.

9:00 We get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I give her her medicine and grab my pump parts. 

9:05 Time for a diaper change. I pump while Ell kicks on the floor. I update this post.

9:15 She's getting antsy so I call it quits and bring her out to the kitchen. I pour a bowl of cereal and start eating while a bagel cooks. I need to pump a few times today so my supply needs to be on point. I put her down to put away the pumped milk and butter my bagel. At this point she is over it.

9:30 Take her back to bed to eat and hopefully sleep. She nurses but perks right up, so we just sit in bed for a while. I watch last night's episode of Flipping out. She pukes a bunch. 

10:30 She's cranky again and I know she's tired. I change her diaper and put her in clothes. I bounce and rock her and eventually she goes to sleep.

11:15 She's awake too early. But she plays for a bit. Eventually she's over it.

11:45 We go out to the kitchen and I grab a few raspberries. We step out on the deck for a few. I head to the back to change her diaper and start the nap process again. I swaddle and rock her but she's not having it, so we make our way to the porch.

12:00 The breeze calms her down. After 5-10 minutes she has swayed to sleep. I head into the couch. Send a few texts, go through the Carter's selection online, and update this post.

12:30 For whatever reason she will not stay asleep today. I lie with her and she drifts again. We go in and out of sleep together.

2:00 Andy pops in for a quick few. We get off the couch and I eat the rest of the raspberries. Put her in her bouncer and get some chips. 

2:15 I head to the shower. She sits in her bouncer on the floor. 

2:39 I'm out and dressed. I change her diaper. We walk out to get the mail. It's pretty lovely weather so we sit on the porch a bit.

3:15 She's ready to eat. I wrap her in a blanket and feed her on the couch. Bounce her to sleep.

4:00 Another cat nap. She's happy so I put her in the MamaRoo. Andy is home and goes to shower. I flip through a cheer magazine to finalize my supply order.

4:15 I head to the computer while Andy is on baby duty. Send emails, update a few spreadsheets, and get everything ready for cheer tomorrow.

5:10 Andy is bugging me to take her since she's fussing. I head to the couch to feed her. She's not ready for another nap but is happy now that she's full. I put her in her bouncer and we head to fold some laundry.

5:30 Shes over that pretty quickly. She must want the other side so I go to feed her a bit more.

5:50 I decide to brown some meat for tacos. That's a quick process and the food is ready. I take it to the couch and eat while holding her.

6:20 I pass her off to Andy so I can clean up from dinner and get some things done. Do the dishes and put away a few laundry items. 

6:40 Elliott is really ready for bed at this point since she's been up so long and didn't have the greatest naps. I don't want her to go to bed just yet though. Andy changes her into a sleeper and we sit for a bit on the deck. She loves being outside.

7:20 Elliott and I head to the bedroom. I swaddle and feed her and she falls asleep easily. I hold her a bit before putting her down on our bed. I start to read my book.

7:49 Her eyes are open. What is with the cat naps today! I start bouncing her to sleep, not working, I try feeding her, not into it. We head to the nursery and I play some music. Finally she's asleep and I put her on our bed. I stay there for most of the evening to ensure she stays asleep, although prep a few more things for cheer tomorrow. Eventually I sleep:)

It's hard enough to take notes, let alone pictures...