Elliott is growing into more of a little girl every day. She is so strong that I can pretty much cart her on my hip (sigh). The girl loves sitting up, and if you hold her hands while she lays she will pull herself up to a sitting position. She does well in the booster seat! I suck at doing tummy time, but I'm sure if I pushed it she'd be on her way to rolling over. When we went to the doctor at 11.5 weeks, she weighed 11 lb 5 oz with a diaper on and was 23 in long, so she's going at a great pace. Right now we are wearing a mix of all sizes 3-6, 3 month, and even some 0-3. We won't be in any 0-3 or 3 month for much longer though.
I had noticed around 6 weeks that Elliott was spitting up a lot. It seemed to get worse, so I tried everything: keeping her upright, burping more, unlatching during let-down, giving her pumped milk, changing my diet, changing feeding frequency. No factor seemed to make much difference. And to top it off, she was getting more colicky every day. It was clear she was uncomfortable or in pain, the poor kid! One morning she puked 7 times within half an hour after eating, so I finally called the doc. Dr. Murphy prescribed Zantac and it is like we have a new baby. I also put her bassinet mattress at an incline and make sure she is almost always sleeping upright. She spits up minimally in this position, but mostly it keeps the acid out of her throat so it doesn't burn. She's much happier. She will smile all day long and pretty much only cries if she's been awake too long. Even though she's still a bit colicky and the volume of puke is still pretty high, I'm so glad she feels better. If we are at home in our own environment it's pretty breezy to deal with.
Elliott has always been a five star night sleeper in my opinion, and that has only gotten better. Bedtime is about 7:30 on a typical weeknight and she sleeps for 12 hours pretty much regardless of bedtime. She gets changed, swaddled, and fed in the dark while in bed. I play lullaby music and she conks pretty easily. I've started just keeping her in our bed during this period. She sleeps like a rock and it starts the night on a great note. I eventually get up and use this time to get other things done. Sometimes she wakes up if she senses I'm not there but she goes back to sleep easily if I just lie with her. When it's time for us to sleep then I move her to the bassinet. During the night I can give her a pacifier and she will soothe herself, but since she started the meds she only really wakes up when she's truly hungry, so the pacifier doesn't work as much. She never cries at night (never has), but I sense that she's awake, feed her, and she sleeps easily. During her 12 hour sleep period, she wakes 3-4 times. I've gotten used to bed sharing because I fall asleep while nursing her and often don't wake up till the next session. Although it's much more difficult to keep her inclined in our bed without taking up a bunch of space. But don't talk to me about her sleeping in her own room. I know I will have separation anxiety and wouldn't sleep well with her not next to me. Not worth the battle- good thing she is only 3 months and I feel like I have plenty of time.
I've never felt sleep deprived since having her, that is for sure. (Yes, I still nap with her about once a day). She naps in our bed, on me, or in her crib, we don't have a set place. I should probably work on more of a regimen, as I can really tell she greatly prefers to sleep with me next to her (though not necessarily holding her). She has been having 2-3 short 45 min-1 hour naps with one long nap in the middle of the day (anywhere from 2-3 hours).
However, she is not a car baby. She cries more while in the car than anywhere else, easily. Although I think she likes Andy's truck better because she can basically stare out the rear window from her seat. Diaper changes are also hit or miss. Thankfully she still loves the bath and now that she's stronger I can easily bathe her by myself (Andy always rushes us). She doesn't love to have her clothes changed, although now that I don't put her in many tight onesies, she does much better. She also loves music and dancing! Overall she is more talkative and has started to babble.
For the most part, people say she is a mix of both of us in the looks department, though we've had a few see more of me or Andy in her. We haven't really examined baby pictures to tell. She does have Gschwendtner ears but no other features really stick out. Right now she has my exact blue eye color. We are leaning more toward Andy's eye shape, and possibly nose, and my mouth and chin.
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