Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day in the Life: Summer 2015

Thursday, July 16

Elliott is 12 weeks, 2 days old

1:45 Elliott is stirring awake. I try to give her the paci but she spits it right out. I pick her up, lay her in our bed, and start nursing. She immediately conks and I follow.

2:45 Stirring again, but I'm pretty sure she's just gassy. Try to give her the paci and end up just waking her. Oops. My boob puts her to sleep in a few minutes.

4:45 She stirs again. Another no-go on the paci. A quick nursing session and we both are asleep by 5.

6:45 The beast is stirring again. I ignore her. Too many wake ups tonight.

7:37 Elliott is awake. Another turn down of the paci, so nursing it is. 

7:45 Shocked that she fell back asleep and isn't just up for the day. I start this post. I need to pump but know that if I get out of bed she'll wake up. I check social media and send some emails.

8:35 She's awake for the day. We cuddle a bit and I finish sending my cheer emails/texts.

9:00 We get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I give her her medicine and grab my pump parts. 

9:05 Time for a diaper change. I pump while Ell kicks on the floor. I update this post.

9:15 She's getting antsy so I call it quits and bring her out to the kitchen. I pour a bowl of cereal and start eating while a bagel cooks. I need to pump a few times today so my supply needs to be on point. I put her down to put away the pumped milk and butter my bagel. At this point she is over it.

9:30 Take her back to bed to eat and hopefully sleep. She nurses but perks right up, so we just sit in bed for a while. I watch last night's episode of Flipping out. She pukes a bunch. 

10:30 She's cranky again and I know she's tired. I change her diaper and put her in clothes. I bounce and rock her and eventually she goes to sleep.

11:15 She's awake too early. But she plays for a bit. Eventually she's over it.

11:45 We go out to the kitchen and I grab a few raspberries. We step out on the deck for a few. I head to the back to change her diaper and start the nap process again. I swaddle and rock her but she's not having it, so we make our way to the porch.

12:00 The breeze calms her down. After 5-10 minutes she has swayed to sleep. I head into the couch. Send a few texts, go through the Carter's selection online, and update this post.

12:30 For whatever reason she will not stay asleep today. I lie with her and she drifts again. We go in and out of sleep together.

2:00 Andy pops in for a quick few. We get off the couch and I eat the rest of the raspberries. Put her in her bouncer and get some chips. 

2:15 I head to the shower. She sits in her bouncer on the floor. 

2:39 I'm out and dressed. I change her diaper. We walk out to get the mail. It's pretty lovely weather so we sit on the porch a bit.

3:15 She's ready to eat. I wrap her in a blanket and feed her on the couch. Bounce her to sleep.

4:00 Another cat nap. She's happy so I put her in the MamaRoo. Andy is home and goes to shower. I flip through a cheer magazine to finalize my supply order.

4:15 I head to the computer while Andy is on baby duty. Send emails, update a few spreadsheets, and get everything ready for cheer tomorrow.

5:10 Andy is bugging me to take her since she's fussing. I head to the couch to feed her. She's not ready for another nap but is happy now that she's full. I put her in her bouncer and we head to fold some laundry.

5:30 Shes over that pretty quickly. She must want the other side so I go to feed her a bit more.

5:50 I decide to brown some meat for tacos. That's a quick process and the food is ready. I take it to the couch and eat while holding her.

6:20 I pass her off to Andy so I can clean up from dinner and get some things done. Do the dishes and put away a few laundry items. 

6:40 Elliott is really ready for bed at this point since she's been up so long and didn't have the greatest naps. I don't want her to go to bed just yet though. Andy changes her into a sleeper and we sit for a bit on the deck. She loves being outside.

7:20 Elliott and I head to the bedroom. I swaddle and feed her and she falls asleep easily. I hold her a bit before putting her down on our bed. I start to read my book.

7:49 Her eyes are open. What is with the cat naps today! I start bouncing her to sleep, not working, I try feeding her, not into it. We head to the nursery and I play some music. Finally she's asleep and I put her on our bed. I stay there for most of the evening to ensure she stays asleep, although prep a few more things for cheer tomorrow. Eventually I sleep:)

It's hard enough to take notes, let alone pictures...

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