Wednesday, July 19, 2017

38 Weeks

It's like a switch flips when I get to 37 weeks. Pregnancy is pretty easy for me and then I all of a sudden can't stand it anymore.

At 37w5d Dr Emm checked me. I have a posterior cervix again so she couldn't tell if I was dilated but commented that I feel soft. His head is really low and he seems to be in good position. I'm trying to tell myself that I will be overdue and to just not get my hopes up for anything earlier. I'm hoping sitting on the balance ball at night will put things into place. Contractions have been constant for weeks so hopefully that's a sign things will be faster this time. Since he was a super active dude most of this pregnancy, things have slowed down since he's running out of room. I'm convinced he's super long. 

I'm still tired. Stretched to the max. Can't bend over. Wake up at 4am often.

All of the baby stuff is good to go. I caved and bought a rock n play but I'm sure we'll get use of it. Elliott has started playing with the gear and will put her baby dolls in them which is adorable. Bag is partially ready. 

I'm starting to worry about labor. Thinking back on Elliott's labor reminds me that I've survived it before but that it is really really hard. I'm planning to play this one by ear again as far as if I get an epi. As long as things go a little faster this time, I'm sure I can do med free again, it's just whether or not I want to hate myself and die for a few hours.

Please God let this kid come out quickly, easily, healthy, and soon. 

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