Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Dreaded DICAS

I am happy to announce that I have updates! However, I'm just going to stick with one story per post because otherwise this one would be a big mama.

Throughout college, I've been anxious about dietetic internship applications. Most people do not understand the process. Dietetics a highly competitive major and only 50% (yes that's right, 50%) of people who graduate in dietetics actually get an internship.  You can't be a dietitian unless you get an internship, so it's definitely a must. Our teachers and advisors instill fear in us about this process pretty much from day one.  The application is fairly extensive and detailed.  I started mine in December and have been making myself sick with worry on and off ever since - most of my friends will attest to this and were in the same boat. The deadline for submission is February 15th, luckily I finished Thursday!

Honestly, I probably could have finished before then but it's such a scary process that I will admit to being a bit in denial and avoided working on it whenever possible.  But, after convincing myself that "NO, you did NOT forget anything" and "YES, this application is PERFECT," I was finally done. My friend Sara even called me at almost midnight to countdown with me while I clicked the submit button. I was super jittery after that and pretty much didn't sleep. In the past two days since submitting, I still worry that I missed something crucial and my application won't count. That's just the way I am.

Four of the seven internships that I've applied to have interviews in March.  If I don't get called to interview, I know that I won't be accepted to those ones (scary). Match Day is April 1.  It feels so far away, but I'm sure it will creep up so fast. I'm a super anxious person as it is so this whole waiting game isn't really fun for me. I'm just hoping I get one.... I can't be super picky, right?

We'll see how the next 7 weeks go... AH!

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