Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Dream Home

Andy and I have been serious since shortly after we started dating. We knew that someday we'd get married, and talked about our future plans a lot - probably a lot more than regular college-aged kids do. Our plans for the perfect house were no exception.

Since my man is a farm boy, it was obvious we'd live in the country. And, the perfect property is just a mile away from his parents' house. Andy has been living there since he graduated in May, but the house is quite old and although it's in good shape, it just isn't functional for the modern family. We always knew we'd build there someday. 

Well, apparently someday is here. After drawing up about a million different layouts ourselves and doing tons of research to make it perfect, we had them professionally drawn up. We had to make a few changes, but overall we are thrilled with how it all turned out. We saw the final plans Thursday (I know, Thursday was a big day!).

So, Friday and Saturday we moved Andy's stuff back out and to his parents. It was total deja vu as it feels like we just moved him in, but oh well. I certainly am not complaining that the process is starting! Today they are taking out the existing cabinets to save since they are uber nice and in mint condition. No turning back now:) 

Anyone who has me on Pinterest knows that I'm obsessed. I've been pinning home decorating/organizing photos like crazy in preparation for this! I'm excited to get going on all of my DIY projects, although I know I have quite some time. We are estimating the home to be done next winterish. Andy will probably move in and I will join him after our wedding in June! We are so blessed and excited about what this process has in store for us!

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