Sunday, February 22, 2015

28-32 Weeks

We are nearing the home stretch here. And I can say now that if she were to come tomorrow, we would be pretty much prepared (although she really needs to cook for longer). We have a bassinet for her to sleep in, and the nursery is pretty much done (even though she won't use it much for the next 6 months). We have a stash of diapers (combo of disposables and cloth). Andy and I have scheduled a date this week to shop for some clothes and pick up the rest of the essentials.

I'm starting to feel some aches and pains now and then from my growing belly. I need to up my activity level to hopefully kick this. I've gotten a few cramps even in my legs and feet too. I can't quite tell if I've had any Braxton Hicks yet, or if it's just pressure of her moving and pushing things around in there. If so, it's only been a handful of times. Otherwise I love feeling and watching her move. It lets me know things are all good in there. No stretch marks at this point and my belly button is just sort of flattened. 

Still struggling with insomnia, even though I've hit a wall with energy. For a while I was a busy bee nesting. The night of our shower I woke up at 3am and spent 2.5 hours putting things away. But now I tire more easily. All the energy I do have is used efficiently to nest, at least, and I still can be really motivated, it just seems to be less so than before. There were a few times this past week when I was too tired to move or talk. It's like someone sent a message to my body saying 'hey, they're almost done preparing! You can steal her energy now!' Some of that is low blood sugar, but it almost feels like it did in the first trimester on the exhaustion front.

Speaking of blood sugar, I feel like I am eating a lot. I get hungry quickly so snacks are a must. And it seems lots of sweets have entered my home lately, so there has been no shortage of sugar available. Otherwise I'm pretty much bingeing on fruit. For instance this week I went through 2 cartons of strawberries, 2 cartons of blackberries, a pint of blueberries, 4 plums, and probably 4 navel oranges. The sweet craving gender myth holds true for this one.

                               28 Weeks                                                                32 Weeks

I'm starting to feel like I've been pregnant forever! Come. On. April.

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