Wednesday, February 25, 2015

32 Week Appointment

Andy and I were spending the afternoon in Bloomington to finish up baby purchases and go to our last baby class. My appointment was at 3:15 and we arrived right on time. I left my sample and got called back by Dr. Dudley's assistant right away. We went to the back room which I thought was odd, but she did the usual stuff. Weight up 19 lb total (4 in the last 2 weeks - yikes)! I'll be limiting the cookies from now on. BP 102/60 as usual. No symptoms to note. Then she realized I was Dr. Emm's patient so she took me over to one of her rooms. Dr. came in just a few minutes later.

Again, nothing unusual to discuss as I'm feeling fine. She mentioned how easy I am. She measured my belly and said growth is on track. She suspects I'll have a nice, average, 7 pounder - I like average! Baby's heart rate was 147, slowly creeping down. Dr. Emm checked my movement chart and said all looked well. She asked about Braxton hicks and I said I wasn't quite sure if that's what it was, but that I was feeling tightening. Nothing else to note really.

I asked for my pump prescription and we were on our way. My next appointment is in two weeks on March 9. 

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