Friday, July 28, 2017

40 Weeks!

Due date has arrived! I actually feel really good considering the crazy heat lately and am trying to enjoy the time we have left as a family of three. Definitely getting antsy but I'm trying to tell myself I'll never get this time back. Kiddo will come out when he wants, I guess.

I'm still super posterior and not sure if I'm dilated. I'm trying to walk a lot, bounce on the yoga ball, and just avoid reclining/sitting if I can. Fingers crossed that helps. Again, it was this way with Elliott and things worked out okay in the end. Baby looks good otherwise. My belly is a little on the small side (again, just like with Elliott), but my doc has zero concerns about my growth. I'm progressing at a consistent and normal-for-me rate. And I truly think my uterus is always so tucked far back posterior that it's decieving. 

I woke up one night with some cramping that resembled my first labor pains with Elliott. I remember getting scared with her, but when I felt them this time, I definitely felt a sense of "let's do this." Maybe that's just because they ended up not being the real thing. It's still best if I don't think about labor, otherwise I feel pretty dreadful about it.
We finally settled 100% on a name! It's been the front runner for a long time, but we both had slight reservations about it. After having a few more name conversations with family and it *wasn't* on anyone else's mind, we knew it was a good choice. We are still deciding which middle name is best but I think we will know when he's born. 

Since I'm still pregnant, I had Taryn take some maternity photos. They usually aren't my thing, but we never take photos of the three of us.  I know I won't regret having some.

Second babies are so bittersweet. Elliott was a tough infant, but is making up for it in spades as a super awesome toddler. She has moments of crabbiness, but overall she is such an easy kid. Our boat will for sure be rocked when this kid comes! Having a girl first was definitely better for me (a cautious child is much better for my anxious heart), and I can only imagine how neurotic I will be with a rough boy. Please be kind to your mother, sweetie pie.

We couldn't be more ready to meet you! 

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