Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Florida Vaca March 2017: Part 2

We chilled in the room and started to get ready. We're kind of late and went to grab food at 7:45. Andy is a big breakfast eater (I'm a cereal girl) but he rushed and we were outside for the 8:07 bus. It is super nice to have bus estimate signs now.

We got through baggage and turnstiles and were outside Spaceship Earth at 8:39. I was on a mission and when ropes dropped around 10 till I booked it with the stroller. 5 months pregnant, jogging with a stroller to Soarin' proved worth it because I was in the first showing and in my seat at 9. This might be my favorite ride in all WDW and was a good start to the day.

I was out at 9:10 and swapped with Andy. Elliott and I went on Living with the Land and got off just as Andy was walking off Soarin'.

We get in line for Joy and Sadness which is sort of long and taking forever. We take turns distracting her and when it's her turn she is not into it at all. I should just give up with characters. We head over to Seas with Nemo and again she is not having the waiting in line. She sucks down a fruit pouch and nibbles on goldfish until it's our turn 15 minutes later. She likes the ride but is so tired. We skip the aquarium and Turtle Talk based on her mood and get a frozen fruit bar which she downs. Andy wants to go do Test Track so we split up (he says single ride is 15 minutes). I sit in a few spots before moseying to look at food booths. I knew a ton that intrigued me but ended up in America at the Smokehouse. Elliott is asleep by then, but I get a pulled pork slider which is really good. I sit in the shade to eat while Elliott sleeps until Andy arrives at 11:45. He eats and we head back to Spaceship Earth for our FP. Elliott wakes up after a 30 minute nap but I'll take what I can get. The ride is backed up from being closed in the morning so we wait for maybe 20 minutes in the FP line. Elliott is tired but sits in the Tula while we ride.

We head to the buses and thankfully one starts unloading as we walk up. We get on at 1:04 and pull up to All Star Sports at 1:14. Elliott gets a change and hangs in her diaper watching Frozen. I try to get her to nap again but we are both tired of each other and she's too wound up. I end up taking her out to Andy at the pool where we sit for a while. Andy ends up getting her to nap (after a fight) around 3:45 while I sit outside and snack on fries. I head back around 4:45 because our FP for Mickey and Pals ends at 5:40 so we gotta get going. Andy and I pack up with all the lights on and Elliott doesn't budge from her nap. I almost want to skip the characters but Mickey is her favorite so we wake her up and rush out like mad people at 5:10. We make the bus the last second but it's super crowded and takes forever to stop at Music and Movies. We finally make it to Epcot and literally run to character spot. Andy's mad at me because it's past 5:40. I tell him we have an extra 15 minutes and even if it passes that they can override and let us in. We get up at 5:56 and she of course lets us in with no issue (it pays to research). The waiting line takes forever and has nothing for Elliott to do, plus we just woke her up from restful sleep, so she is a handful. Once we get inside and can see the characters she lights up and wants to run. By the time (finally) it's our turn, she doesn't want anything to do with them. Luckily the photo people are really great and we get some basic shots with Mickey, Goofy, and Minnie. Pretty much a bust but oh well.

Andy asks if he can do Mission Space but I tell him that it's already 6:30 and time for our Frozen Ever After FP. We head to Norway and get through the line really promptly. The standby time was 105 minutes I think. The ride is really, really cool, and Elliott loves it. She's watched Frozen 384728 times this vacation and is all about Elsa and Anna. My complaint is that the ride is very short. Do not ever wait in a long line for a ride that lasts 2 minutes. Definitely worth it for us to have a FP.

We are ready to eat and since I know the booths pretty well, I take us to Urban Farms which isn't far from World Showcase entrance. We get pork tenderloin, mushroom, potatoes, and other veggies. It was so, so good and neither Andy nor I like mushrooms! Elliott isn't interested and Andy still wants to do adult rides. It's past 7 so I tell him to run and do it already and I take Elliott to Electric Umbrella to get a kid's meal. I pee my pants a little in line (thanks pregnancy incontinence) but I have no shame so I keep waiting. It takes forever but I get her some mac and cheese and a brownie. She has been liking the Dannon drinkable yogurts that come with all the kids meals. We head outside and she picks at her food until Andy meets us. I pee in a toilet and Andy gets popcorn before we head to the bus a little after 8. We aren't even going to try to stay for Illuminations.

Elliott gets a bath and her cough is full force and she's wheezy. She falls asleep around 10 (omg sleep is killing us this trip).  I am in and out but she's wheezing up against me and breathing really funny. I notice that her breathing is retracted and basically watch her from 3-4am. Use google and YouTube to confirm that she's definitely retracting. I'm too educated and know we need to be seen by someone. We wake her up and go to the ER just down the road.

We get to a room quickly but it takes two hours to be seen by someone. Elliott thankfully sleeps for about an hour of that and I notice her saturations go down when she's sleeping. The doctor examines her and notices crackles that are cause for concern. She orders a chest X-ray (honestly I wasn't expecting that one). Andy goes with her since I can't do radiation and says she complies fine. The X-ray showed inflammation but thankfully no pneumonia. Bronchiolitis and a prescription for albuterol and we are on our way out around 7:30am. I was surprised they didn't swab for the flu or RSV but I don't put up a fight or anything. We go back to the hotel to quickly pack up and are gone quickly.

We stop by McDonald's and head toward Marco. It's a 3.5 hour drive and Elliott falls asleep around 9 and wakes up around 11:15. There are bad citrus grove fires around so we have to detour. We don't get to Barfield until after 1 and are so glad to be out of the car.

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