Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Florida Vaca March 2017: Part 3

We unload and just rest while my mom goes to the beach. She comes back around 4:30 and we all dress. We decide tonight is a beach visit night and go around 5. Elliott is cautious about her first dips in the water but is liking it.

By the time we look for places to eat it's 5:45 and places have filled up. Elliott is clearly exhausted and sitting down long isn't going to happen. We decide to head home and order from a carry out BBQ place my mom knows. We eat and veg the rest of the night. Elliott isn't having sleeping in the pack n play so Andy takes her to the guest room and she knocks out around 9:30ish maybe. He sleeps with her all night and I stay in the twin bed - best night of sleep I get all trip! 

We all are moving around 9am but by the time we get breakfast and dressed for the beach, it is already 10:30. We set up shop and Elliott seems terrified of the sand and will only stay on the tent floor- ha! She warms up quickly and has the best time. We break for lunch at the snack shack. She would stay in the water all day if she could so we end up staying until 1:30.

We get home and rinse quickly in the pool before she heads into the pack n play for nap. I'm shocked she doesn't really put up a fight and is asleep quickly. Unfortunately it only lasts about an hour and she wakes up very cranky. It's a battle to get her showered but we all dress and head to the Snook by 4:45. We get a table inside with a nice view. Mom and Andy get grouper fingers, mac n cheese for Elliott, and a mahi mahi sandwich for me- all super tasty. We are back home before 6. We lounge and try for early bedtime again but nope, not happening. Andy battles her in and out but says she is out for sure around 11:30!! I got most of the night to myself thankfully but I felt like garbage with sore throat and full body aches. 

I woke early the next morning. Elliott is up around 7:45. We poke around getting breakfast and battle to get her dressed for the beach (she loves to run around naked)!  We make it there around 10. She wasn't as interested but still had a great time wading in the water and watching other kids. She loves to make friends! The other kids there were older though and not interested in her. We pack up around noon and head back to assemble lunches. She eats really well (ham, bread, banana, strawberry, pretzels) so I'm assuming she's starting to feel better. She giggles like a schoolgirl in pool with her dad before heading into a nap. She goes fairly easily and sleeps for 3.5 hours!! We have to wake her up at 5 to go to dinner.

We head to the Esplanade for some action. We get a table right away outside at Mango's and get bread and some fruit for Elliott right away. It's a nice night but a little chilly with the breeze from the water. I get the grouper special and Andy gets a steak. It's good food and comes quickly so we are out. We walk down and stop at a cold stone for ice cream. We eat inside before skipping back to the car. We pack up what we can for the trip home and Elliott watches Frozen on the iPad. I fail again at trying to get her to sleep, but Andy finally gets her to late again. 

We are all up around 7:15, enjoy breakfast, and pack everything up in the morning. We are on the road at 9:15. The car ride and trip through security is easy. She runs around like crazy in the airport. We get pizza before boarding. We weren't so lucky with seats this time and are in the second to last row. It is super turbulent and I grip Andy like a crazy person because I'm convinced this plane is going down.  Thankfully Elliott conks after takeoff and sleeps until we start to descend. The saving grace of this trip has been how well she did on the flights. 

Vacationing with a toddler is hard work (especially for an anxious mama), but we made some great memories. If nothing else, Magic Kingdom day was pretty rad and Elliott loved the beach. Our next vacation will be adults only, though :) 

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