Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Day in the Life: Sep 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

12:23 Wake feeling rested, look at clock and realize it's still early, go back to sleep
1:19 Wake to feed
4:49 Wake to feed, Leo and I both go in and out of sleep
5:43 Bring Leo into our bed from his rock n play
6:14 Andy gets up to get ready for work
7:00 I get up and do some PT exercises while Leo still sleeps on our bed
7:20 I get back in bed and take advantage of both kids still sleeping. Browse social media, email, etc.
7:53 Get Elliott from bed, change her diaper, and give her my phone to watch videos while I hop in the shower. Leo gets transferred back to his rock n play so Elliott doesn't squash him. He slowly wakes up.
8:23 I hop out of the shower and get dressed
8:33 I change Leo's diaper and nurse him.
8:56 We all head to the kitchen to eat breakfast, yogurt and granola (or "crumblies" as Elliott calls them).
9:09 Empty the dishwasher and pick up breakfast. Elliott goes downstairs to play and Leo and I head down when kitchen is put away.
9:25 Take Leo upstairs to sleep. He's out after a minute or two of rocking in his bedroom and I set him in his crib. Go back downstairs and play with Elliott.
10:05 Go back upstairs since Leo is awake (he only sleeps 30 minutes in his crib like clock work). Elliott follows a few minutes later so we head to my room. The kids lay on our bed and Elliott watches some more videos. I move over and fold some laundry and vacuum the master carpets. Tuesday is technically master cleaning day, but we'll be gone in the morning so I take advantage.
10:38 Sit down and feed Leo
10:48 move to Elliott's room where we play, read books, and simultaneously clean up. Monday is for cleaning the kids' rooms.
11:05 Leo is ready for sleep so I go to rock him. Again he is out in a minute or two so in his crib he goes.
11:17 He's awake. I might as well change his diaper now. I get out the Halo SleepSack to try, swaddle and rock him again.
11:35 Lay Leo down and head to the living room to turn a fairy movie on for Elliott. I reheat lunch (taco bowls - taco meat, black beans, cheese, salsa, and corn) and we both eat at the counter. Reload the dishwasher with the dishes.
12:05 He's awake, 30 minutes like clockwork. Elliott requests a walk so I get the Ergo for Leo and we head down the lane. Leo is not interested so I turn around with the stroller and our walk lasts less than 10 minutes.
12:32 Back from walk. I feed Leo while Elliott hops around the living room playing with a basketball.
12:47 Take Elliott to bed. I head to my bedroom with Leo and change his clothes. Since he's slept so crappy I bring him to our bed but he fights.
1:19 He's asleep and I follow shortly. Triple naps? Don't mind if I do.
2:44 Hear Elliott on the monitor but ignore her.
3:13 Get Elliott out of bed and feed Leo. They hang out on my bed again while I do more laundry and pick up the house. Elliott roams around doing random stuff.
4:12 Elliott needs out of the house so I call Andy and make plans for Elliott to go to the field. They are farming down the road by Bailey's so we load up the car and in the tractor she goes. Leo and I come back home where he gets a diaper change. I feed him and put him in his crib to nap. Update notes for this post.
4:55 Preheat the oven to make dinner. Prep the acorn squash and cut some mango. Move over and fold more laundry.
5:15 Get Leo out and finish up while he sits in his bouncer
5:30 We leave to go get big sis. Andy isn't ready so we get out to chat with Leslie and baby Kaylee while we wait since it's still nice outside.
5:52 We're back home. I finish prepping dinner (squash and grilled chicken). We eat while I hold Leo.
6:35 Elliott draws in the kitchen while I swaddle Leo. He gets fed and I hold him while he naps a bit.
7:10 Elliott gets to watch one episode of Mickey before bed. We head to her room to read and play before bed. I have always really enjoyed bedtime with her for the most part (at least for the last year), so I'm glad that is still the case. Now Leo hangs out with us a lot of the time.
8:00 We leave her bedroom and Leo gets changed into jammies. He gets fed and put to sleep in his rock n play in our room.
8:15 I sit in our bed to browse social media
9:15 An hour has already passed so I might as well go to sleep. Leo doesn't want back up until after midnight! Another great days. 

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