Saturday, October 21, 2017

Leo: 2 Months Old

I’m writing this on the late end of the month so this one is gonna be short on details :)

We went to the doctor at two months and big dude weighed 13 lb 13 oz. I believe he was 23.5 inches long or something. He was like 97% for weight for length šŸ˜‚ 6 month Carter’s clothes have some room but are easy to put on. Otherwise we are in 3-6 month and some 3 month stuff. We bumped up to size 2 diapers pretty quickly but he’ll be in those for a bit. 

We also did vaccinations at 2 months and for once it was actually tough for me to watch! Elliott cried so much as a baby that I didn’t have as much sympathy for her, it was just another day (though she never really did bad with shots). Leo’s cry was so sad with a big pouty lip that it really tugged on my heart strings. My sweet baby!

He really is the best kid. I didn’t realize just how colicky Elliott was until now comparing them both at this stage. He doesn’t cry much at all and when he does his needs are always easy to meet. He’s never had a tantrum in his life and has started to smile. Gah I just can’t get over how sweet he is. 

Leo still loves to eat (surprise, surprise) and mostly nurses every 2-3 hours still. It took a few tries but he did take a small bottle from Andy and one for me, too though with some struggle. I have left him with Andy at home a few times to go grocery shopping. Otherwise, Andy and I went to a quick wedding reception dinner and left both kids with my parents for a few hours. There doesn’t seem to be any attachment issues like Elliott had. Hopefully he will cooperate a little better with bottles! 

He does sleep his longest stretch in the evening (from like 8-1ish in his rock n play) but the times vary. He often wakes up several times after that so early mornings can be really rough. He’s usually in bed with us at this time because by the time I put him down he wakes back up again. The tired feeling has really started to hit me. With Elliott, I could sleep with her all day to make up for lost sleep, but now I don’t have that luxury.  Andy has started in the field as well so it’s mostly me with both kids unless it has rained.  Tired Mom + doing it all alone = lots of mess ups (like locking your daughter in the car with the keys inside, and just generally feeling scattered). In a lot of ways adding another kid has been breezy but whenever we have to leave the house I just don’t have my shit together yet. Something is always forgotten or we are just late to things. I will get there.

We’ve gotten a lot of references to him looking like my dad, and I think that is pretty true. Leo does have similarities to his sister and Dad though, depending on the face he makes. It seems both of our kids have some of each of us, though Elliott is more Bauman and Leo is more Eckhoff. I love hearing what people think. Either way, we make adorable babies. 

In reference to his name, Leo definitely fits. I can’t imagine him being named anything else. I’ve heard of a few other Leos since his birth, so it’s definitely more common than Andy and I normally would be attracted to, but it’s such a suitable name for him. 

He is the best best best! So glad to have this chunker!

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