Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Elliott: 2.5 years old

She may only be two and a half, but I swear sometimes Elliott acts like a teenager. She loves babies, dolls, books, tractors, and “colors” (pens and markers). “Princess Jammie dresses” are her obsession.

She’s going through a real Bauman phase as far as looks go, and I see glimpses of Andy’s family members often. Weight is about 29 lb. I’m unsure  of her height, but her torso is long. 2T dresses are all tunics on her, and she’s got a bit of a booty (also not my genetics ๐Ÿ˜‚). We are exclusively purchasing 3T clothes. Her hair is getting so long and is so beautiful when actually styled. Our girl is seriously gorgeous.

Elliott is an A+ big sister. From the moment Leo was born, she’s never shown a hint of jealousy or acted out in any way. It’s really amazing. When I get her out of bed, she always asks where he is and goes to find him. If he’s balling and wakes up she immediately says “he’s awake, he’s upset, I probly get him” and runs to his side. He gets woken up so often because she’ll just go into his room to check on him and squeeze his cheeks. She is all about Leo and tries to take care of him like Mom. She’s a little too aggressive with hugs and kisses and understands nothing about being gentle or quiet. Poor kid. He takes it like a champ.

And yes, she can now open doors. It’s like she figured it out overnight! It’s obviously not convenient but hasn’t gotten too out of hand. Our front door and sliding doors are too advanced for her still, so as long as she doesn’t wander out to the garage in search of popsicles, we will be okay. Elliott now gets food whenever she wants thanks to opening the pantry door (tortilla chips are a fave), as well as the fridge. She can only get to the yogurt and cheese on the bottom of that though ;)

Elliott is a pretty decent eater for a toddler. Favorites are still avocado and most fruits, but she really loves tortellini, macaroni, and cheese in any way. She knows that a DQ sign means ice cream. Since Andy has been harvesting, we haven’t had as much structured meal/table time so I’m looking forward to getting back to that routine.

Speaking of harvest, she loves tractor/combine rides with her Dad. She still refuses to ride with Papa Rick, but I’m still able to get some short breaks from her and she’s able to see her dad for a bit. Andy added a bunch of toy tractors to her fleet and we got the old toy shed from the farm, and she does play with them.

Aside from us being at the hospital to have Leo, we did leave her for one night while we went to STL for a wedding. All went great as far as I know. And since then she hasn’t been quite as afraid of Andy’s Dad, who she’s always been a bit leary of.

She is still in pull-up diapers and has no interest in potty training. I know she’s smart enough but I don’t want to push her just yet so we are riding it out for now. I wouldn’t mind not having to buy diapers for two though ๐Ÿ™„

Smarty pants knows a million nursery rhyme songs and shapes and colors are right most of th time. We’re working on letters but she’s not quite into it just yet. Either way, she is definitely not behind in the school department. Watching her grow is so fun.

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