I have started to put him in his room at bedtime as well but will move him into our bed at first wake up (usually between midnight and 2 but it’s so sporadic). He still seems to prefer being with me at night though and I’m not ready to give that up completely. He’s already ahead of what Elliott was at this age (she took crib naps at 3 months but I didn’t dare do bedtime there) and I will take that! I’ve tried using the Bassinest more at night so he gets used to lying flat and not on me :) He actually does okay, but definitely doesn’t sleep as long of stretches. He seems to be a side sleeper, and likes when I lie his fleece blanket flat under him so he has something soft to snuggle against..
He loves getting his clothes and diaper changed. Like any time you touch his neck area he giggles with glee!! It is so precious and I love it. Leo is still super chill almost always, smiles a lot, and hasn’t had a cranky day in his life. Please never change!
Kiddo seems to like bath time. He sucks on his hands and blankets constantly. We haven’t really done paci at all this month but he does want to use me to fall asleep often. I make him actually eat and burp first. It’s such a tough call choosing between that and a paci.
Leo still eats almost constantly. Cluster feeding just might be his baseline, and you can look at his thighs for proof- rolls! He’s never been a rolly baby (just big) but that is changing. 3 month clothes are out the door, but 3-6, 6 month, 6-9 month, and even some 9 month are in the rotation.
I think his head is still a little wonky from pregnancy and delivery, but it seems to be evening out with time. I feel like he could need a helmet but everyone thinks I’m crazy for thinking that.
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