Friday, February 24, 2012

Phase 1

We are strolling right along with house progress.  It's almost insane how fast things have been changing. I'll walk you through it...

On a Saturday, we moved Andy out of the old house. By that Friday, it was nothing more than a big bowl of dirt. I promised myself I would upload pictures (I know I will thank myself later). Here is a little before and after.  I'm thankful that Andy can be around for the progress and takes LOTS of photos.. even if it's on his low-tech flip phone :)

Here is what the house was like when Andy moved in, from the front and side view. The side view is what you see from the road.

Here is what the lot looks like now. Crazy!

The foundation has been started, and progress is being made every day. We are just starting to begin choosing siding, doors, and all that fun stuff. I'm looking forward to doing more!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Wild Week

It's been one heck of a seven days. I'll walk you through it...

Last Monday,  house demolition began. I was shocked at how fast everything came down, but by Friday, there was not ONE piece of the old house on the lot (other than the large dump pile of course). After digging for a few days, they are are starting on the foundation today. I am surprised that I haven't gotten a million text messages from Andy. He is so excited about working on the construction site, it's adorable. I keep telling myself I need to post pictures because I will someday appreciate it. This weekend!

On to not-so-great news, I got super duper sick last Wednesday night. As in, I've never felt so miserable. I am not one to go to the doctor for more than check-ups and I've never been to the ER, but I caved. I had an exam and two lab classes on Thursday, which I of course missed. Thank God my mom came to bring me back to Pontiac so I could rest at home. A week later, I still don't feel 100%, but I'm certain it's all in my head. I have been really anxious about missing school and catching up and finishing projects and what-have-you. Today was definitely hump day, so I'm ready for some relaxation. I will have to wait for the weekend.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our Dream Home

Andy and I have been serious since shortly after we started dating. We knew that someday we'd get married, and talked about our future plans a lot - probably a lot more than regular college-aged kids do. Our plans for the perfect house were no exception.

Since my man is a farm boy, it was obvious we'd live in the country. And, the perfect property is just a mile away from his parents' house. Andy has been living there since he graduated in May, but the house is quite old and although it's in good shape, it just isn't functional for the modern family. We always knew we'd build there someday. 

Well, apparently someday is here. After drawing up about a million different layouts ourselves and doing tons of research to make it perfect, we had them professionally drawn up. We had to make a few changes, but overall we are thrilled with how it all turned out. We saw the final plans Thursday (I know, Thursday was a big day!).

So, Friday and Saturday we moved Andy's stuff back out and to his parents. It was total deja vu as it feels like we just moved him in, but oh well. I certainly am not complaining that the process is starting! Today they are taking out the existing cabinets to save since they are uber nice and in mint condition. No turning back now:) 

Anyone who has me on Pinterest knows that I'm obsessed. I've been pinning home decorating/organizing photos like crazy in preparation for this! I'm excited to get going on all of my DIY projects, although I know I have quite some time. We are estimating the home to be done next winterish. Andy will probably move in and I will join him after our wedding in June! We are so blessed and excited about what this process has in store for us!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Dreaded DICAS

I am happy to announce that I have updates! However, I'm just going to stick with one story per post because otherwise this one would be a big mama.

Throughout college, I've been anxious about dietetic internship applications. Most people do not understand the process. Dietetics a highly competitive major and only 50% (yes that's right, 50%) of people who graduate in dietetics actually get an internship.  You can't be a dietitian unless you get an internship, so it's definitely a must. Our teachers and advisors instill fear in us about this process pretty much from day one.  The application is fairly extensive and detailed.  I started mine in December and have been making myself sick with worry on and off ever since - most of my friends will attest to this and were in the same boat. The deadline for submission is February 15th, luckily I finished Thursday!

Honestly, I probably could have finished before then but it's such a scary process that I will admit to being a bit in denial and avoided working on it whenever possible.  But, after convincing myself that "NO, you did NOT forget anything" and "YES, this application is PERFECT," I was finally done. My friend Sara even called me at almost midnight to countdown with me while I clicked the submit button. I was super jittery after that and pretty much didn't sleep. In the past two days since submitting, I still worry that I missed something crucial and my application won't count. That's just the way I am.

Four of the seven internships that I've applied to have interviews in March.  If I don't get called to interview, I know that I won't be accepted to those ones (scary). Match Day is April 1.  It feels so far away, but I'm sure it will creep up so fast. I'm a super anxious person as it is so this whole waiting game isn't really fun for me. I'm just hoping I get one.... I can't be super picky, right?

We'll see how the next 7 weeks go... AH!