Friday, October 25, 2013


I cannot believe it has been nearly five months since we've been married. Where has the time gone? What have I been DOING?

People ask me this question often and I never really know how to answer. Obviously, we got married and went on our honeymoon right away. The next few weeks were spent putting away gifts, finding homes for my stuff that was just moving in, and writing thank yous. Not to mention doing all the random tasks of a newly married couple - name changing, organizing bank accounts, insurance, etc.  I kept busy enough. I've always preferred a busy schedule, but I can honestly say I was never miserably bored. It's not like I was laying by the pool every day.

Since I finished my internship right before our wedding, the next step was to take my RD exam. This was big to do. I tried to spend a few hours each day on this and had planned to take the exam mid July. I ended up pushing that back to early August, but thankfully passed on the first try! Again, this was another thing filling up my time.

Up until then, I had been keeping an eye on job postings, but wasn't in a big rush to find something. I wanted to find a job that I loved and would be happy doing for a long time. Plus I knew it would be more difficult to get hired before being officially licensed anyway.  Thankfully, I was offered a PRN job at my local hospital in mid August, helping out when their dietitian is out of the office. I got started with orientation and a week of coverage within just a few weeks. Again, this filled some time.

We had a boat load of personal things going on, too: my sister was sick, we took a trip to the Bahamas, drove to Ohio for Andy's brother's wedding. It was a blessing that I wasn't working. Other than that, my time is spent doing everyday things, like grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, cooking, and just putting together the house. I probably spend an hour every day making dinner, and probably another half hour cleaning up. This is what I do. It's very rare that the TV is on before 4 pm.

It was probably late September that things started to slow down and I started to get the itch to work - just in time for me to get hired part time doing nutritional counseling at a doctor's office in Bloomington. I'm currently working two days a week, but my hours will hopefully steadily increase from here on out. I'm really enjoying it.

The chaos has died down and we are pretty settled into the house (although it's a constant work in progress). This past month has been harvest season and I see very little of Andy, so I am ready to have time with him back. Being in the house alone all the time isn't always so much fun. I am settling into my own schedule and am loving my current routine, but am ready to be working more. This week I've been in a particularly blissful mood. I'm very content with life - it's the best feeling ever.

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