Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Master Bath Drawer Makeover

I am someone who enjoys order, almost at an unhealthy level. As I said before, I'm sort of on a roll with organizing projects. I thought a good place to focus this energy would be in our master bath drawers.

When I showed our master bathroom here, you saw that we have plenty of storage. However, having a good amount of space doesn't automatically mean you use it well. I wanted to get things ordered before we accumulate too much junk and organizing becomes more difficult. I started with two drawers - the main one I use and the main one Andy uses.

Let me show you what we started with. Someone get me a DSLR..

This was my drawer, not bad at all. You can get to everything, but I didn't like that each time I open and shut it everything would slide toward the back. And it isn't super appealing.

Remember that cardboard box full of Andy's meds? Yeah, there was a boatload of teeth/mouth products in there too. All of that needed to find a home.

And here is Andy's drawer. You can see everything, but again things slid around and it just looks messy.

Now that I had a starting point, I was on a hunt for drawer dividers..

The first step is to measure your drawers. I have gone to the store without doing this before and it becomes a big guessing game. Just do a little prep first and you can get the most out of the process, but I've learned that you will probably never find the perfect size. Be prepared to play divider Tetris. I ended up at Wal-Mart (my absolute least favorite place in the world). They did not have much variety at all, but the one kind they had worked for me. I ended up with two different size Rubbermaid dividers. I like them because they connect to each other, are lined with rubber, and also have stoppers on the bottom so nothing slides whatsoever. They are sort of expensive ($5 for the 6"x9" and $4 for the 3"x9") but I think they are well worth it.

Next, remove everything from the drawer and wipe it clean. After separating your goodies, you can file them away oh so nicely...

So. Much. Better. I fit twice as much stuff in the drawer and it looks even better. And now it is more of a shared space.

The back bin is entirely for floss - wow. Andy and I can both floss three times a day for the next five years and we'll still have some left over. I would've tossed some of this, but we had the space to spare. See my little nail polish bin? I can see all my colors!

Also in excess: toothpaste. I think we're good on travel bottles for the next five years, too.

My random makeup items were placed in their own bin. The back corner holds my make-up brush travel case and large compact. I don't keep my brushes in the case unless I'm traveling so this set up is perfect.

Last but not least, Andy's drawer. Can you smell the Axe through the computer? He's a pretty fresh guy.

Total cost of this project came to approximately $30 - all bins. The bins should last a long time and I'm giddy over the organization. It's all about baby steps with this home stuff..

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