Monday, December 29, 2014

20 Week Ultrasound

Sorry this took me so long to actually post. Not sure why I never did it.

Our big ultrasound was set for 8am. I did all the water prep stuff and we made it to the office about 7:45, just as my bladder was about to burst. Thankfully the tech lady was all set up and ready before 8. She brought me in and started measuring things quickly right away. The first thing she said is 'you have a wiggler!' I'm starting to think that's an Eckhoff baby must.

She didn't have my screen on while measuring because it was so quick, making small talk all the while. From the beginning she said the baby was curled way into a ball, with the feet sitting above the head. How that is comfortable I have no idea. The tech poked and prodded for a while to try and get him/her unraveled, but had no luck. Finally I got to pee and Andy came in.

Then the tech pulled up our screen so I could finally see what a weirdo position the baby was in (I've obviously passed on my flexibility and affinity for sleeping in weird positions). He/she was wiggling but not really kicking, just twisting around. It was really hard for the tech to get a good profile pic or see between the legs because of it. We got to see some thumb sucking, and even an eye rub, as if they were saying '5 more minutes, mom!' We continued to try to get him/her to change positions, but the kid is stubborn. I wonder where they get that from...

At about 8:30, we finally gave up, and I accepted that we wouldn't be able to find out the gender today. The tech had to do a cervix check so was hoping we could get some shots then. Thankfully, she got a few quick views of the parts while doing that, and told us with confidence which gender baby appeared to be! Since Andy and I had opposing guesses one of us was leaving a little stunned either way (you'll have to wait to find out who).

I got to pee again and clean up while the tech printed some pictures. She wasn't able to measure the bottom of the spine/sacrum because of baby's position, so I'll have to go back to get that done, but no concerns. She did say they are getting a brand new machine soon, so I will have some nice photos, hopefully.

I have another quick check up with Dr. Emm in 2 weeks, so we'll go over any remarkable results with her then. Take a peek at big foot, below!

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