Monday, December 29, 2014

A Year's Reflection and 2015 Goals

It's been a good year, I suppose.

The Top 5 Highlights:
1. Making a baby!
2. Trips to Hawaii, Lake Geneva, and Nashville
3. Lots of great family time, new additions, health, and happiness
4. Car accident (wah, wah)
5. Starting the stay-at-home journey (sort of)

Lessons Learned:
1. Never underestimate the value of a really good insurance policy. Seriously.
2. Pay a little more for the good detergents
3. Things don't have to be 100% clean or perfect all of the time
4. Be financially responsible without being a total neurotic tightwad (still working on this balance)
5. Don't sweat the small stuff (I will probably never be able to fully grasp this, but I'm improving)

To Do In 2015:
1. Have a happy, healthy baby and soak in every moment (obvs)
2. Finish decorating the nursery
3. Buy new office desk/get that room in shape
4. More efficient pantry organization
5. New ottoman and accents in living room

Here's to a blissful 2015! It's shaping up to be the best one yet.

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