Tuesday, December 2, 2014

16-20 Weeks

Written Saturday, November 29, 2014: 20 weeks

That cat is out of the bag at this point. After our 18 week appointment we started slowly telling our other family and friends, starting with Andy's brothers. We called our grandparents, and text aunts/cousins/friends pretty much within the week. At this point we aren't really denying or hiding, but it's not widespread knowledge and we aren't bringing it up. We'll post to Facebook after our ultrasound on Tuesday, when we get the full okay that from head to toe this kid is in tip top shape.

One glorious thing that has happened is that I finally put in my notice at work. I told my boss after our 18 week appointment and she was really kind about it. Even though I won't miss working one bit, I really like my boss and felt a little guilty leaving her. My last day is December 22, so I will be able to enjoy the holidays and Disney.

I am starting to feel more like a pregnant person. None of my pants are comfortable, so pretty much at any given time you can find me without them buttoned. I stocked up on leggings and made my first trip to Motherhood Maternity to get a few maternity tops (not really into the whole doting pregnant thing, BTW) so I'm planning to live in those for the next few months.

Even though my body is definitely changing, apparently Andy and I are the only ones to really notice. My tops are typically baggy so people can't really tell. I've gotten several "Have you even gained a pound?" and "You aren't even showing!" comments but whatever. Apparently I give off the vibe that I might actually care what others have to say about how my body reacts to pregnancy. This is my life.

I did start to feel baby kicks pretty much immediately after my last appointment, before 19 weeks. They are definitely more prevalent at night when I'm on the couch or in bed, and I can usually get a steady stream of them at once. I don't ever feel them when I'm in the car or at work, or pretty much active doing anything. This kid sometime sits in a funny position, so I had a day or two where I convinced myself I had a UTI. I went to the doctor and they pretty much told me my urine couldn't be more perfect. I'm just looking for things to be wrong.

Also, pregnancy brain is a real thing. This week I went grocery shopping and didn't bring my purse. I'm out of sorts which is unlike my typical, conscientious self. Oh, and linea nigra is definitely full force at this point. My belly button is still normal, though! I have had a stuffy nose pretty much nonstop since testing positive. At first I thought it was just allergies, but since we've already changed seasons twice I don't think that's it. 

I haven't said anything about my sleep patterns. For the past few months, I've had bouts of insomnia. It started that I would wake up from about 4-6 am, but has migrated to even 1 am. I usually fall asleep eventually but I run out of things to do and thinking about things just makes it works. Thankfully, I still feel rested for the most part when I wake.

I have everything picked out for the nursery (one option set for each gender), so when we get home on Tuesday I'm sure I'll order all of that immediately. I picked out a crib like a year ago and of course when we went to order it last month they were out of stock. So we both check pretty much daily for that to come back in the finish we want.  It will work out eventually, and thankfully we really have plenty of time.

                     18 weeks                                                                                 20 weeks

We are sitting on pins and needles for Tuesday's appointment!

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