Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Boy or Girl: Gender Myth Comparison

For several reasons, we've decided to keep the gender a secret to the public until we have a shower. Since we will be finding out if baby is a boy or girl in just a few days I wanted to write some notes before I know the gender and my writing becomes biased or gives anything away :) I have omitted a few of the wives' tales because I didn't feel I could definitely decide between the two categories (ie. no idea what my belly shape is, and I haven't particularly been craving sweet vs. salty foods, it just depends on my mood). Some of these are still subjective.

My answers are bolded and underlined, the incorrect answers are struck out. First option is for boy (in blue) and second is for girl (in pink) - if you're viewing through a reader click to my page to see colors.

Carrying:     LOW     HIGH

Weight:     BELLY     ALL OVER

Morning Sickness:     NO     YES

Acne:     NO     YES

Heart Rate:      <140     >140

Conception Age:     ODD     EVEN

Chinese Gender Chart:     BOY     GIRL

Mayan Gender Chart:     BOY     GIRL

Dream about baby means having the opposite:     BOY     GIRL

Sleep on:     LEFT     RIGHT

Balance:     CLUMSY     GRACEFUL

Total: 4 Boy vs. 7 Girl

I don't put too much stock in these, but we'll see if any of them ring true come Tuesday. I'm still pretty sure it's a girl. I will truly be shocked if they tell me we're having a boy. I don't really have a preference, because I want to have at least one of each kid eventually, but I will admit I might be leaning more toward girl preference just because I've had a name picked out since I was 14. I honestly am shocked that I've never bought any embroidered item with said name on it before, I'm just that obsessed. Thank God it is still uncommon. We do have some serious boy name contenders, but haven't nailed down an exact one just yet - hopefully we'll decide before Tuesday as I have a few embroidered items I'd like to get ordered :)

Andy is pretty much the opposite of me and I think he'll be beside himself if it's a girl. We'll both be elated either way :) Nursery items for both options have been bookmarked and will be purchased immediately after our ultrasound, I'm sure - even if they have to stay in the box for a while ;)

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