Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beginning the Cloth Diaper Adventure

I've been curious about cloth diapering for years. I'm pretty economically and environmentally conscious, so that's what drew me to them. We live in the country where well water is free and we have to get rid of our own garbage. And honestly since I'll be staying at home I envision myself not leaving the house for days at a time, so I would always have to keep a bigger stock of disposables on hand. Since getting pregnant, I've started following a few blogs to try to learn more. It's something I at least wanted to test out.

I'm gonna be honest, the Internet is stupid overwhelming. What type should I get? Which brand is best? Snaps or Velcro? There are a million ways to cloth. Most of the blogs did not help me, as they were mostly reviews saying how awesome every product is. They also talk about specialty products (creams, detergents, etc.) that make it all sound so high maintenance. Ain't nobody got time for that. I pretty much concluded not one way works for every parent and child and that as much as I like having matching sets, I needed to get a mixture of everything to test myself.

I learned the gist of the basics (these explanations are just my own interpretation of other blog posts):
1. Prefolds: old fashioned cloth diapers set inside a cover; covers can be used multiple times between washes (if not poop soiled); cheapest; quickest to wash/dry
2. Pockets: diapers and insert system, wash separately and re stuff the absorbent pad inside the cover
3. All in one: basically a cloth version of disposable diapers, no folding or inserting; good for sitters or reluctant dads; longer drying time; most expensive

Newborn All In Ones

I figured I would start with pockets to meet in the middle of the road, but I needed to go to a specialty store to talk to someone who had done this before and feel things out. I found Pinstripes and Polkadots south of Bloomington. When I got there, the owner walked me through her showroom and explained the basics again. I'm not gonna lie, I was still overwhelmed. Too many options. I just wanted someone to say 'start with this.' Thankfully, she did have a handout of charts outlining how much of everything you need based on type of diaper and how often you want to wash. 

She said she personally hated the added steps of stuffing the pockets and recommended a mix of prefolds and all in ones. She also explained the differences in sizing (newborn and one-size), then let me go from there. At this point, I was totally second guessing myself. I still didn't really feel like I knew where to start. But I was already there, so I just started guessing at picking things out.

I decided to get a separate set of newborns, which supposedly should last a good 4 months before being outgrown. Since this is our first kid, that means this set should get a good year or more of use between all our kids. This cuts down on use of the one-size and plus they will fit better. I got 3 covers, 8 prefold inserts, and 3 all in ones. I also got a one-size all in one which would fit Landry, so I could test it out. Then I went on my merry way.

When I got home and started washing things, it started to click. I just needed some hands on time. I was able to do this. I realized I didn't have a very big stash, and I needed more. The thing about cloth is the more you have, the less you have to wash, the longer they last. Since the store was about an hour away, I just shopped Amazon. Prices were honestly within pennies of each other (some higher and lower), but Amazon would be more expensive if you have to pay for shipping. Go to a store if you can help a small business.

Dresser Drawer for Prefolds and Covers

So for now my stash is:
6 newborn diaper covers (2 Thirsties, 4 Rumparooz brands; 3 Velcro, 3 Snaps) - cost range $10-$13 each

Diaper Covers

20 prefold inserts - cost $1.79-$1.99 each
3 newborn all in ones - cost $15.50 each

Newborn All In One

Newborn All In One (inside)

Newborn All in One (inside with flap out)

1 one-size all in one - cost $19.99

With tax, I spent about $165 on my newborn stash. I should be able to wash every other day with this set. If the average newborn goes through 10 diapers per day, disposables costing 28 cents each, we should break even after 59 days! I would not be surprised if I pick up a few more things, and of course this is only for the newborns, but that still means we have a lot of wiggle room to work with before coming close to the cost of disposables. Then all future use with future kiddies would essentially be free, only excluding the cost of detergent or if we purchase more. Yippee! 

I did test the one-size all in one on Landry. I found it to be extremely easy and I felt it could hold a gallon of pee - not to mention it looked completely adorable on his little bum. The real verdict won't come until we can use them on baby girl. We'll have to wait and see if they all work for her (and me). The good news is we have a few boxes of disposable diapers to get us through the first few days and late night wake ups while we get adjusted. I'm not putting much pressure on myself to use cloth exclusively, but figured I should at least try it out. We'll see how it goes! Wish us luck.

Monday, March 30, 2015

37 Week Appointment

I know these are repetitive.. sorry.

I arrived a few minutes early and left my sample. Jessica called me back quickly. Weight up 25 lb. I don't believe she told me my blood pressure because we were making small talk. She asked the usual symptom questions. The only things to note were that I'm still having Braxton Hicks, but have added some mild cramping. No swelling, headaches, bleeding, etc.

She took me to an exam room and said Dr. Emm would check my cervix for dilation today - bummer! I was hoping to just skip that part a while longer. Dr. Emm came in about one minute later and asked the usual questions, but there isn't much new to report. She did not tell me my belly measurement, but baby's heartbeat was 140. She then tried to check my cervix, but it's so tilted and baby's head is already in the way that she couldn't quite reach it. Ouch. Ignorance is bliss for now, I guess! I would be very surprised if I was dilated at all at this point anyway. She's told me before that a tilted cervix shouldn't affect delivery at all and there is nothing I can really do to push it forward. She's so laid back that I'm trying to feed off her vibe.

I asked her if I needed to call anyone before going to the hospital during labor and she said nope. She said to wait till I have contractions 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute for a few hours before coming to the hospital, unless my water has broken. I asked if we had to do weekly cervical checks from now on and she said not unless I wanted to, since they won't really affect anything anyway.

Another week down, I guess. Shit's getting real.

32-36 Weeks

Almost. There.

I've decided it's for the best that I don't know when this girl is going to come. I still am thinking labor is weeks and weeks away, so I'm not too stressed about it. Even if I go into labor now, stressing will get me nowhere, so I'm just trying to keep that at bay. I'm sure that feeling will dissipate the closer that I get to my due date.

The insomnia is hit or miss. I wake up every night super hot, which is unusual since I'm typically cold. I have been trying to take a lot of naps because I know this freedom will be short lived. My back still hurts, mostly from lying or sitting down. I really, really need to be better about the yoga. Though I'm doing lots of squats and leg work by picking up and putting down Landry and sitting indian style on the floor, I can feel the weakness. When I stretch, I really feel the strain, that has never happened before. I'm hoping that's just part of late pregnancy and not a bad sign :S I really want to yoga this kid out. I need to be better about staying hydrated too. I have had a stuffy nose this entire pregnancy and am really looking forward to breathing normally again, too. No stretch marks, but the belly button made a definite pop-out appearance at week 34.

Kiddo is pretty active but seems to be slowing down as expected. You can really see her swerve since I don't have a lot of extra padding in the way. She has the hiccups a lot. Braxton hicks contractions are becoming more frequent - I have a handful every day.

With each day I feel more and more prepared. I now have my bag completely packed, the car seat is installed, and baby's bag is pretty much packed too. I'm now realizing that we are probably ahead of most other parents on the planning front. We've got the rest of our registry stuff purchased. I've done a lot of cleaning around the house and truthfully just want to wash every baby item we have. I've been holding off with only washing the newborn and 0-3 month clothes and not get ahead of myself. Current stash of this size clothing is: 5 sleepers, 9 onesies, 1 light jacket, 3 pairs of pants/leggings, 2 casual dresses, 2 formal dresses. She won't be able to wear any of the other clothes for another 4 months anyway so it would be dumb for me to wash it all. (I've since ordered more newborn clothes..)

One thing to note about clothing is that it is not as irresistible as I imagined. Maybe I am used to buying for boys, but most of the girl stuff isn't really my style, particularly the baby stuff. I keep wanting to go into the 2T and up sections, so we may have problems once she hits that age. Things seem to get better once you hit 6 months. Another issue is just that stores don't have a ton of newborn stuff on the racks. I have more 3-6 month stuff!  I have vowed to stay off Etsy because bow purchases are my vice. Right now she will have 6 bows for newborn/0-3 months, 5 for 3-6 months, 1 for 6-12 months, and 4 head wraps for when she's older too. (For the record, I had to get a few more after going clothes shopping, because the outfits and bows didn't match up - lesson learned). Luckily, they're a (fairly) cheap addiction.

This might be a bit overboard, but I have already started her digital baby book online. I have a lot of the pages templated so I can fill in photos as the year goes on. I know I won't feel like doing it once she's here and I'm motivated to do it now, so why not? It will probably be 100 pages by her first birthday.

I've reached the point in my pregnancy where people can clearly tell that I'm pregnant. This month has been the most annoying by far, because I would rather people (particularly people I'm not close with) just not talk to me about it. I don't care what you think about my belly size or your guesses when I will go into labor. I've had multiple people say "you must not have gained any weight." Not true! Just because I don't look like a whale doesn't mean anything. Even if you think you're giving someone a compliment, you're not. Unless you're my doctor, go away. I've learned that the best conversation to have with a pregnant person is just to say "you look great." And absolutely nothing else. The worse thing is that I know the mommy judginess will only get worse once she's here. (Clearly you can tell from the below photos that I have grown).

                              32 Weeks                                                                        37 Weeks

It's still crazy to think we will probably have a baby girl at this time next month. I can't wait to see what she looks like!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

36 Week Appointment

My appointment was Monday, March 23 at 1:15. I got there a minute or two before, left my sample, and Jessica grabbed me as I was finishing. Weight up 24 lb so far. Everything else the same old jazz.

I went in one of the bigger exam rooms because of the group B test. I was seeing Dr. Dudley because Dr. Emm is on vacation - I'm okay with that because it should mean she'll be around for when I deliver. I waited a while, a good ten minutes. She came in and measured my belly, up 2cm to 34. Baby's heart rate in the 140s. She quickly did the group B swab and I was on my way. Another week down.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

35 Week Appointment

I had an ultrasound scheduled for 2:15 on Monday, March 16. I got in pretty quickly and the tech started measuring things right away. Not much to really say about this point other than it felt like it took a long time. The tech didn't say too much, but commented that the placenta looked nice and healthy and baby's head was pretty low. She tried (for the third time!) to get a facial or profile photo, but she had a pretty rough time. We did get a modified photo, which is much better than nothing. I left my sample and then came back in, because she thought emptying my bladder may help. It actually made things worse, but oh well.

Then I went out in the waiting room to wait for my appointment with Dr. Emm. For some reason they were really backed up and the exam rooms were all full. I waited for a while, which I've never had to do. It wasn't a big deal as I didn't have anywhere else I needed to be. Jessica did call me in to get weighed (up 22 lb), take my BP (104/60), and ask about symptoms (only BH, back pain), but I did have to go back to the waiting room to wait again.

I got called back and Dr. Emm came in a few minutes later. She got my ultrasound results and said that baby weighed just shy of 5 lb, which is 17%. She said all limbs were proportional, so she thought all looked good. Since I'm a small person, I'm going to have a baby on the small side - it's only logical. She stressed that she had no concerns.

Then she measured baby's heartbeat with the Doppler (150 bpm) and my belly. She said I'd grown 2 cm that week, which is good. Next week I will meet with Dr. Dudley because Dr. Emm will be out of town (which means I cannot go into labor, not that I think that will happen). I will be swabbed for Strep B so hopefully that cooperates.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Prepared Childbirth Class: Session 4

It was our last class! The topic of this session was basically post-delivery care for both mom and baby.

We started by talking about how much moms leak after delivery, and all of the products that go along with that. I can't even remember the details about much else of this part.

The second half was basic baby care. Shellie discussed the protocol for circumcisions, and the parents who were having boys had a few questions. She also reviewed a few things about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, etc. The other couples had several feeding questions. The know-it-all dietitian in me had a very rough time staying quiet during this part, but I refrained from making any comments.

She also demonstrated how to give a sponge bath, change a diaper, and swaddle. Then we all got dolls to practice on. I've swaddled and changed diapers about a thousand times, but this was nice for Andy to practice. We followed up with basic Q&A. Andy and I didn't have any questions, but the other parents had several. I know they say there is no such thing as a stupid question, but I disagree. (Not saying stupid questions shouldn't be asked, but if you need to ask them that still makes you dumb).

Overall the class was okay. I think the other couples' took away a lot more than we did just because we are more experienced? I'm still glad we did it, as it was reaffirmed that we have this parenting thing under control.

34 Week Appointment

Sick of these yet? Me too.

My appointment was made for Monday, March 9 at 11:15 am. I got there a minute or two early and left my sample. Jessica called me back shortly after. My weight is up 21 lb total. Blood pressure is the same at 100/64. Then she took me to an exam room.

I waited a bit before Dr. Emm came. She asked how things were going (well) and asked the usual questions: Braxton-Hicks? Yes. Heartburn? No.. and so on. The only thing to note really is that the middle of my back hurts. Then she got out the Doppler and baby's heartbeat measured 145 bpm - still slowly creeping down. She measured my belly next. I'm measuring a little small, so she wants me back in a week for a growth ultrasound to make sure I'm not restricting the baby.

Dr. asked if I had other questions and I asked when we needed to go over birth plans. She said she typically gets into the details around 36 weeks, but reviewed her personal philosophy. She stated she is more of a "naturalist" and does as little intervention as possible (hallelujah!). She does skin-to-skin on everyone immediately, delays cord clamping, and doesn't do episiotomies. Proof positive that I chose the best doctor match. I didn't even go into any of my own wishes, because they all matched her typical protocol.

I go back on Monday for the ultrasound and follow up appointment. I'll admit I don't like the concern for growth, but it will be nice to get another view of her before delivery since we haven't gotten any really good looks so far. I hope she cooperates. We are starting weekly appointments now, so I guess we're nearing the end.

Eckhoffs Do Disney 2015: Part 3

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back to the Magic Kingdom for a jam packed day-o-fun! We started our day bright and early and arrived at the park with plenty of time for the morning show, which I'm pretty sure started somewhere around 8:40 am. It was a bit chilly at this time, but the sun was shining and it warmed up pretty quickly.

After entering the park, we stopped in front of the castle to get a few pictures over with. That worked out well and then we all headed to Fantasyland to do Peter Pan's Flight. The line was moving pretty briskly, so we got on fast. Then we bounced over to It's A Small World. At this point, we split up. I stayed with Landry, while Taryn and Barrett did the Carousel about a thousand times in a row. Everyone else went to use their Big Thunder FP+, I believe.

Next up was the teacups. I didn't do this one. Then we split up again while some went on Space Mountain and the others went to do Buzz -both with FP+. Then we went back toward Dumbo. It was a bit of a wait, but Dumbo never disappoints. Then we went to see Goofy and Donald. Character meet and greets were a hoot with B.

Afterward, I ran back to Main Street to get a few baby goodies, while the others used their Mine Train FP+. The Emporium had a much better selection than AK, but I was still a bit disappointed. I got what I needed and ran back over to meet the rest of the group at Little Mermaid. This was a quick ride which I quite enjoyed. Then we strolled over to Be Our Guest for lunch.

We got in line, ordered at the kiosks, and found a table in what I believe is the Rose Room? It was nice and quiet in here with comfortable seating. Our food came probably within 10 minutes and I don't think any of us were disappointed. I got the braised pork with green beans and mashed potatoes and it was easily the best counter service meal I had the whole trip. I don't remember what Andy got (the ham and cheese sandwich?) but we split the triple chocolate cupcake which I would also recommend. Overall, two thumbs up for sure. We will be going back there.

At this point, Saxtons and Tissieres were going back to the hotel for afternoon rest time. I wasn't quite ready, so Andy and I stayed at the park with my parents. The four of us went over to do Pirates of the Caribbean. The wait was probably 25 minutes, but went quickly. Then we hopped over to Jungle Cruise, for probably a good half hour wait. I must say I am usually not a fan of this cheesy ride, but we actually had a great skipper (Nicolas - must've been good if I still remember his name). I actually laughed at the jokes when I normally just eye roll.

At this point it was probably 2:30 and I was ready to go. My parents were leaving to head back to Marco so we walked out with them to head to the bus. At this point, the details get a bit fuzzy but I will do my best to remember. After a bit of a rest, we met back up with my sisters to head back to MK at what I assume was 5:30ish pm.

We meet Tink right near the park entrance. If I remember correctly, this was Barrett's first meet and greet with a face character and he was so shy! He had been such a good sport with all of the costume characters, but it was a bit cute to see him blush. Then, we all decide to take the train from the Main Street stop over to Fantasyland. I actually don't think I've ever done this before, but it was quite relaxing since it was getting to be dusk.

We got off and decide to head over to the Peoplemover. This zippy ride was also quite relaxing, especially since it's fairly long and you have a good view. The dance party is hoppin' with the Incredibles characters, so we watch from afar. Then Barrett gets treated to a bubble machine and we head back toward Main Street since it's nearing show time.

We missed the lighting of the castle by Anna and Elsa but oh well. It's a little hectic, but most of us treat ourselves to ice cream. I got a kid's mint chocolate chip cone, which is not a choice I would ever make, but it looked good. Then we make our way to the street to snag a spot. Celebrate the Magic begins around 8:45 (cool, but I still prefer Magic, Memories, and Me), followed at 9 by of course, Wishes.

Afterward it's a mad dash to the exit and we all get separated but somehow meet back up on the way. Time for bed and our last day at the Happiest Place on Earth!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

After packing up the room and leaving bags with the bell people, we get to Magic Kingdom around 9 am opening. It is quite brisk outside. I believe Tissieres were shopping for souvenirs, but we meet up in the lobby to meet Mickey. The wait time doubles within 5 minutes, so we opt out.

We head over to Frontierland so the others can do Pirates. I run to buy Barrett diapers and go to pee and finish just as they are exiting. I think Andy and Eric went to use FP+ for Big Thunder or something. Allyson and I watch Tissieres as they ride Aladdin's carpet - it's still freezing.

We take the back way over to Fantasyland and decide to see Philharmagic. I think Tissieres do the Carousel a few times. Afterward, we have FP+ for Cinderella and Punzel! Another shy meet and greet and then we head toward the Plaza for a 11:10 lunch reservation. On the way we stop to dance with the move-it, shake-it parade which we have seen probably 5 times before, but actually participate in this time. The restaurant atmosphere is nice and not too loud or busy.  I got a veggie sandwich with cheese, veggies, hummus, and pesto which is decent for a veggie sandwich.

Afterward we head back over to Fantasyland to meet Anna and Elsa! I go first to try to get Barrett to warm up, but he's still shy. Tissieres make their way to the car to start their drive home. Andy and Eric try to do Buzz. Allyson and I go to the baby center to feed Landry. They manage to do Buzz after a wait and try to use FP+ for Space, but the machine is messed up and won't let them in. Andy gets a hot dog somewhere in there, too.

At this point, the rest of us are ready to go so we make our way to the bus stop a little before 2. We decide to go over to Downtown Disney since we have all afternoon and can't get in our rooms anyway. This is where things start to fall apart...

We decide to get on a bus to Saratoga Springs and then take a boat to Downtown. The wait time for the bus is one of the longest we had all week. Even as we enter, it takes 10 minutes to load a few wheelchair people. Curses! When we make it to Saratoga Springs, a Downtown Disney bus pulls up. But, we had planned to take a boat so we search for the dock. When we find it, we see a sign saying the boats aren't running today (I assume because it's cold). Luckily we can at least see Downtown, we just have to walk a long way to get there. And of course the bus stop to get back to Old Key West is on the opposite end. We don't have time to do much at this point, but head into a treat shop.

Thankfully the wait for the bus from Downtown Disney back to OKW is short. We get back to the hotel around 3:45 and hang in the lobby. It leaves us enough time to change clothes, charge electronics, etc. The Magical Express arrives just before 5. We make a stop at Saratoga Springs for more passengers and then to the airport. We don't need to check baggage, so we go straight to the food court for various McDonald's, Chik-Fil-A, and chinese. Security is another quick process and we are at our gate with just a short wait till boarding time... until we find out our flight is delayed (pushed back from 7:50 to 8:30 pm). There is a snow storm happening at home so we are just thankful to be making it out at all. We get in the air and it's a calm flight. They were able to make up most of the time in the air, which was splendid. We land around 10 pm Illinois time. The boys head to the car since it's a frozen tundra, while Allyson, Landry, and I wait for the bags. It times out perfectly that the bags come just before the boys arrive with the car.

The drive home is slow because the roads are slushy. We see several cars in ditches, but make it to town around 1 am. Another trip in the books!

Andy and I probably won't make it back to Disney for another 5 years or so, but it's crazy to think how different it will be to have a kid of our own to share it with!