Monday, March 30, 2015

32-36 Weeks

Almost. There.

I've decided it's for the best that I don't know when this girl is going to come. I still am thinking labor is weeks and weeks away, so I'm not too stressed about it. Even if I go into labor now, stressing will get me nowhere, so I'm just trying to keep that at bay. I'm sure that feeling will dissipate the closer that I get to my due date.

The insomnia is hit or miss. I wake up every night super hot, which is unusual since I'm typically cold. I have been trying to take a lot of naps because I know this freedom will be short lived. My back still hurts, mostly from lying or sitting down. I really, really need to be better about the yoga. Though I'm doing lots of squats and leg work by picking up and putting down Landry and sitting indian style on the floor, I can feel the weakness. When I stretch, I really feel the strain, that has never happened before. I'm hoping that's just part of late pregnancy and not a bad sign :S I really want to yoga this kid out. I need to be better about staying hydrated too. I have had a stuffy nose this entire pregnancy and am really looking forward to breathing normally again, too. No stretch marks, but the belly button made a definite pop-out appearance at week 34.

Kiddo is pretty active but seems to be slowing down as expected. You can really see her swerve since I don't have a lot of extra padding in the way. She has the hiccups a lot. Braxton hicks contractions are becoming more frequent - I have a handful every day.

With each day I feel more and more prepared. I now have my bag completely packed, the car seat is installed, and baby's bag is pretty much packed too. I'm now realizing that we are probably ahead of most other parents on the planning front. We've got the rest of our registry stuff purchased. I've done a lot of cleaning around the house and truthfully just want to wash every baby item we have. I've been holding off with only washing the newborn and 0-3 month clothes and not get ahead of myself. Current stash of this size clothing is: 5 sleepers, 9 onesies, 1 light jacket, 3 pairs of pants/leggings, 2 casual dresses, 2 formal dresses. She won't be able to wear any of the other clothes for another 4 months anyway so it would be dumb for me to wash it all. (I've since ordered more newborn clothes..)

One thing to note about clothing is that it is not as irresistible as I imagined. Maybe I am used to buying for boys, but most of the girl stuff isn't really my style, particularly the baby stuff. I keep wanting to go into the 2T and up sections, so we may have problems once she hits that age. Things seem to get better once you hit 6 months. Another issue is just that stores don't have a ton of newborn stuff on the racks. I have more 3-6 month stuff!  I have vowed to stay off Etsy because bow purchases are my vice. Right now she will have 6 bows for newborn/0-3 months, 5 for 3-6 months, 1 for 6-12 months, and 4 head wraps for when she's older too. (For the record, I had to get a few more after going clothes shopping, because the outfits and bows didn't match up - lesson learned). Luckily, they're a (fairly) cheap addiction.

This might be a bit overboard, but I have already started her digital baby book online. I have a lot of the pages templated so I can fill in photos as the year goes on. I know I won't feel like doing it once she's here and I'm motivated to do it now, so why not? It will probably be 100 pages by her first birthday.

I've reached the point in my pregnancy where people can clearly tell that I'm pregnant. This month has been the most annoying by far, because I would rather people (particularly people I'm not close with) just not talk to me about it. I don't care what you think about my belly size or your guesses when I will go into labor. I've had multiple people say "you must not have gained any weight." Not true! Just because I don't look like a whale doesn't mean anything. Even if you think you're giving someone a compliment, you're not. Unless you're my doctor, go away. I've learned that the best conversation to have with a pregnant person is just to say "you look great." And absolutely nothing else. The worse thing is that I know the mommy judginess will only get worse once she's here. (Clearly you can tell from the below photos that I have grown).

                              32 Weeks                                                                        37 Weeks

It's still crazy to think we will probably have a baby girl at this time next month. I can't wait to see what she looks like!

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